The First Date! (Chapter 2, Part 3)

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Sonia- Okay! Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you... Tomorrow we are off of school! Wanna go out to the movies and some lunch?

Chiaki- Sure! I don't see why not!

~Chapter 2 Part 2 End~ 

Sonia POV-

After school, me and chiaki met up and went to the movie theatre. I couldn't wait to see what movie she picked out! 

Chiaki- Ready to go?

Sonia- Yup!! Can't wait! I've brought my wallet so we can buy snacks!

Chiaki- I have my wallet too, but if you want to buy then that's okay.

Sonia- Oh, if you wanna buy you can!

Chiaki- No, it's fine you can.

Sonia- No it's okay you can buy it if you want!

Chiaki- Okay. I'll buy.

And thus, the two girls started the walk to the movies on their first date.

Chiaki- Okay! We're here.

Sonia- Yay! I can't wait!

Chiaki- Want me to tell you what movie I picked out now? Or do you want to wait until we watch it?

Sonia- Until we watch it!! I love surprises!

Chiaki- Alright. Let's go in.

Sonia- Okay! I want a melon soda, and strawberry pocky!

Chiaki- I want a cherry soda, and Kasugai.

Both- We should also get some popcorn!

Sonia- *Blush* haha! we really seem like a couple don't we?

Chiaki- *blush* That's because we are silly.

After they bought their tickets, and their snacks, they went inside and watched the movie preview. 

Chiaki- Can I tell you what movie it is yet?

Sonia- Okay!

Chiaki- We are watching Spirited Away!!

Sonia- No way!! I've been wanting to watch that Studio Ghibli movie for a while!

Chiaki- Mhm! Just be glad this week is Studio Ghibli week!

Sonia- I'm so excited!!

                                                                    ~Chapter 2, Part 3 end!~

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