Chiaki's House (Chapter 2, Part 1)

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Sonia's POV:

Sonia- Mhhm!! Thank you so much for buying us lunch Hajime! It was really delightful!

Chiaki- Yeah, Thanks for taking us to this cafe.

Nagito- Yes! Thank you so much! To be able to meet with all of you and eat lunch as Ultimates is absolutely excellent!

Hajime- Uh.. No worries! It was nice for all of us to eat together.

As we walked out of the extravagant cafe, Chiaki reminded me that she wanted to go to her house to play some video games. She wanted to teach me how to play the game "Galaxy Smash". I was excited to play with her. 'I can't wait to play with her!' I thought happily. Maybe something would happen and I would be able to confess to her finally. But I'm not sure if she likes me back. That's what I was scared of. I was scared of rejection. But little did I know that Chiaki didn't just want to play video games...

Chiaki- Hey hey, Sonia? You seem a little out of it. She waved her hands around my face.

Sonia- Hm? Oh! Yeah I'm fine. I'm just a bit sleepy.

Chiaki- Oh I get it. We are almost to my house though.

We had walked almost 30 minutes before finally arriving at Chiaki's house. When we got there, I ran up to her room and flopped on her bed.

Sonia- Ugh! I'm so tired! Can I take a nap?

Chiaki- Sure. I don't mind. I'll take a nap too I guess.

Sonia- Where would you like me to sleep?

Chiaki- You can nap in my bed. I'm not gonna nap yet.

Sonia- Are you sure? I can nap somewhere else if you'd like.

Chiaki- No it's fine. I'm gonna play "Mammal Crossing".

Sonia- Oh okay! Have fun!

I was about to fall asleep when I decided to just relax and watch Chiaki play. 'She looks so cute playing "Mammal Crossing".' I thought to myself peacefully. Eventually, my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

Chiaki's POV:

I watched as Sonia was falling asleep. She's really adorable sometimes. After about an hour, I got bored of playing "Mammal Crossing" and decided to wake Sonia up. 'Darn it. I wish I wasn't so nervous to confess to her. Maybe I'll have to find another way to confess than just telling her that I like her.... Oh! I know what to do!'

Sonia- ugh.... hm? I'm awake?

Chiaki- Oh good! Your awake. I was trying to wake up because I got bored of playing "Mammal Crossing" by myself.

Sonia- Oh okay! Wanna play "Galaxy Smash" now?

Chiaki- Sure! I'll show you and try not to beat you every time.

Sonia- No it's okay! I like a challenge!

Chiaki- Okay! Once I show you the controls and you've gotten used to them, I'll play at my best!

Sonia- Your on!

Me and Sonia played "Galaxy Smash" for about 3 hours and she won twice. She didn't give up though. She was so happy when she won. It was so cute.

Sonia- Uhg! I can't believe that I only won once!

Chiaki- Twice, You won twice.

Sonia- Oh yeah. But we played for like 3 hours and I only won twice!

Sonia was getting a but flustered and annoyed. It was so cute.

Chiaki- This is like a couple fighting isn't it?

Sonia- Blush! Uhm yeah.

Chiaki- haha...So wanna play "Galaxy Smash" again?

Sonia- Uhm... Can we play "Mammal Crossing" actually?

Chiaki- Sure! I don't see why not.

Sonia- Okay!

After a few hours of playing, Sonia fell asleep on my shoulder. It was cute...

Chiaki- Oh I wish I could tell her....

Sonia- Tell who what?

Chiaki- Oh! You're awake now! Uhm well I.... I was thinking about ways to uhm... things to make a storyline for a video game!

Sonia- Oh, are you going to talk to Chihiro about it?

Chiaki- Oh! Uh yeah!

Sonia- Oh that sounds cool! And uhm... well... I wanted to tell you something.

Chiaki- What is it?

Sonia's voice just got really serious. I wonder what she has to tell me?

Sonia- Well uhm...

She looked down at her phone and looked at something.

Sonia- uhm...

She cleared her throat and started to say something surprising.

~Chapter 2 Part 1 End~

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