Chapter 2: Oh, No! This Isn't Real!

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You know how you should never say "what else could go wrong?" One of these days I should really stop saying that. Me and Devil boy walk into the principal's office and standing there were two people, one was Demitri, my "care provider" when my "parents" weren't present (basically my bodyguard), and the other I did not know.

"Mr. Forester, Miss Wolfe, I'm glad to see you both."

"Why hello, Mrs. Alston, I'm glad to see you're doing well. How is the little one?"

"He is well thank you, Mr. Forester. And how is that new puppy of yours? Is he house broken yet?"

"No, but he is very cheerful and makes things interesting."

Of course that slime ball would be all cozy with the principal.

"What did you need us for?" I ask disgusted by the sight in front of me.

"Miss Wolfe, I'd advise you to take after Mr. Forester here. Unlike you he is being respectful and patient. *sigh* These two gentlemen say that the two of you must leave immediately."

"Alright. Then let's go, Demitri." I turned on my heels and started to leave the room when the next words that I heard nearly made my fall from shock.

"No, I won't be taking you home, Nat."


"We will be accompanying Mr. Forester to his place."

"What!!!!!!" Now I know something was up! This doesn't make sense why are we going with HIM!

"Don't argue, Nat. Rebekah and Samuel ordered this. There's nothing I can do....sorry."

We had reached the parking lot before I knew it. It was because I was lost in thought.

Of course it was their doing! Demitri knows how much I hate this guy, so he would never do this willingly. Damn those two. "Wait! What did Grandmum have to say? There's no way she knows about this, right?!"


"Stop pouting, princess. There are hundreds of girls who'd love to be invited to my manor."

"Its a good thing I'm not one of those hundreds then isn't it, Pig." I was planning on just storming away but then I caught sight of Demitri. He's always protected me, he's like a big brother, and I could just tell that if I left this instant Landon would mostly likely be hospitalized compliments of Demitri. No matter how much I hated that Forester-and oh did I hate him- I couldn't let Demitri get in trouble.

I turned around and stepped into the vechile. "C'mon, Demitri, he's not worth it."

"Nat, he just insulted you!"

"Demitri, you know I can handle myself. If the words that left his mouth actually meant something then you know I would have beat him senseless, but his words don't mean a thing. So let's just get going, okay?" I smiled up at Demitri from my seat in the car and motioned for him to sit next to me.

*sigh* "Fine, Nat, but only because you're my 'Lil Princess."

"Demitri! I told you to stop calling me that!" Demitri's only response was his usual throaty chuckle.

"Are you two done or do we have to wait on the 'princess' and her servant even longer?"

That's when I lost it... again. I got up and gave Forester a good hit to his right eye. Next thing I know he's screaming bloody murder. >I swear I don't have anger issues he just irritates the crap out of me!< "Don't you ever dare call Demitri a servant! His life is way more important than yours! I will end you the next time you say such a thing!"

The next thing I know Demitri is hauling me off the sleaze bag on the ground and holding me in the car trying to call me down.

"You know its not fair that you get to hit him and I can't." Demitri whispered in my ear while holding me back still.

I had to smirk. I just realized I got to hit Forester twice in one day.


"Wait! You want to repeat that to where it makes sense!" We were all in the Forester's living room and the "adults" were trying to explain to us the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard for the sixith time.

"The Foresters and us have decided that you and Landon will be married. Isn't that great news Natalia."

"First of all, Rebekah, no it's not great news! I'm barely 17yrs old for goodness sakes! And second, if you were to pick anyone couldn't it be someone reasonable?! Plus, who the HELL gave you and Samuel the right to decide who I'm going to marry?"

"Natalia Sashia Gracelynn Wolfe!" Oh, now she's mad. "We are your parents! We have a right to do whatever we please with you!"

"You have NEVER been my parents! Neither of you! The closet thing I have to a parent is Grandmum! And why isn't she here!? She's my legal guardian! She needs to know about this!"

"Your Grandmother could not make it."

Grandmum couldn't make it? What was that supposed to me?!

That's when everything turned red and black and I felt the floor give way beneath me. Before I lost my sight I saw Rebekah's smug grin plastered n her face as if by seeing me faint she won something, but that wasn't the only thing I saw. I also saw Demitri's petrified face as he rushing towards me, as well as. . . . .Landon's?!

Thanks all for reading this progressing story! And thank to whoever voted on my story!!! You have no idea how happy you made me!
And everyone, don't be afraid to comment, I swear I won't roast you alive or anything! I love comments it gives me ideas of how to turn the story and how its going.
Thanks again for reading everyone! I luv y'all!!!!

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