Chapter 9: What Just Happened?!

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Nat's POV

"You can't be serious?!"
We were back at the Forester household and Demitri and Forester were trying to tell me that I needed to stay low for a while.
"So just because the two of you rescued me you think its okay to keep me locked away?! Like some damned prisoner?!"

"Princess...we are just trying to keep you sa-"

"Demitri, if you dare finish that sentence." I glared at him.

"Okay, we just don't want another repeat like today."

"What the HELL, Demitri! You are acting like its my fault that Rebekah is a psychotic bitch! Why am I the one that has to get locked away!"
I was having a meltdown, I know. But I really hate being kept under servalence more than I already was. Not to mention I can't stand being told what to do!

"Natalia. Please."

That caught me off guard. If I wasn't so mad right now I think the fact that Forester even uttered the word 'please' would have shut me up in itself. But I was pissed so even that shock didn't stop me.
"Don't 'please' me Forester! You aren't the one that's going to be locked up and isolated like some caged bird indefinitely."

"Actually I am. I'm staying here with you so that I can be sure that you are safe. So you won't really be isolated."

"Why would you do that? I'm just some fake fiancé. Its not like you actually care."

"I can't let anything happen to you again...the first time I was completely helpless. But I'm not a kid anymore. No one is going to hurt you as long as I can help it."

Wait...what does he mean he's not a kid anymore? We haven't known each other that long...or maybe.

Landon's POV

"Forester. Hold on you just said you're not a kid anymore. What do you mean? Did we know each when we were younger? I don't have any memories from before my seventh birthday. They told me rhat thats due to an illness I had. So please, if you know something about my past, please tell me."
Dammit! I had to open my big fat mouth! Of course she doesn't have any memories of it! What's wrong with me?! How am I supposed to cover this one up? God! I can't think straight while she's holding my hand like this and looking at me with those big beautiful gray eyes of hers.

"You and Landon used to be playmates, Milady"


"Yes. The two of you were so close back then! The both of you were inseparable. It was just too adorable! I had loved those play dates maybe more than you did!"

Oh God! What do they think they are doing??? They can't be serious! Are they really going to tell her! That's dangerous and could hurt her!

"But Kathy, if we were so close why have I only just now found out about this...? *gasp* Demitri! Did you know about this all along?!"

"No, sorry Nat, but I did find out about it earlier this year."

She looked like she was meditating on what that stupid bodyguard of hers had just said. Woah! Was I jealous of that muscle headed brute?! No! Of course not......

"Its because when you had gotten ill you had gone under for a while. No one was sure what would happen. But Landon refused to give up. He came to your room everyday, even started skipping school and tried to stay there from sunrise to sunset. It was so infuriating but cute. When you woke up we were told it was best that we suppress all of your previous memories. We feared what Landon's reaction would be to the news. His response was simple. 'Will it really be the best for her? Will this help her heal?' When the doctor said yes he had made his resolve never to let you know about before. But he never stopped keeping a watch on you. He would come to the side of your grandma's house and watch you through that window on the top floor where you stayed. Everyday when he wasn't here he was there watching you. Making sure that you had den had a relapse or anything. Soon we had to get him a private tutor because he was starting to miss too many days at school. But as soon as we learned that you would be going back to school he buckled down on his studies to make sure you both went into the same grade."

Dammit Mother. Why the hell did you have to tell her all of that?! Now she'll think I'm some kind of sap.... She grabbed my shirt and stared into my eyes. I had no idea what to make of this.

"Is that really true? Did you really do all of that?"

" What of it?"

"I think that is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard."
That's when it happened. She planted one right on my lips. It was so gentle.... Wait isn't it supposed to be the guy that plants the first kiss?! What is this girl doing to me! What just happened!

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