Chapter 5: Perhaps Its A Mishap

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Okay so last time we got a little glimpse at Landon's mindset and we found out he's not a complete jerk! He isn't trying to play Nat, he actually has feelings for her! Now let's see if Nat will ever find out.

Nat's POV

I got downstairs to see everyone(including Mr. & Mrs. Forester) sitting in the living room.

"Um, hi."

"Oh my dear you look amazing in those clothes!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Forester."

"Please! Call me Kathy! And you should really be thanking whoever chose those clothes."

"You're right. Thanks Demetri."

"Sorry, Nat it wasn't me this time."


"No honey not me."

"Mr. Forester?"

"I'm sorry but it wasn't me either. If I had picked that out I should have become a modeling agent," he said with a hint of humour.

"Wait.....then who did buy me that full new wardrobe?"

"Well, when we noticed that you maybe staying for a while I wanted to buy you a few things. But I couldn't figure what kind of casual clothes you would like. So all I bought you were formal wear. I was going wait until you woke up to go on a shopping spree with you. But it seems someone has beaten me to it."

"So those beautiful gowns in there are for me as well?!"

"Of course! I've always wanted another daughter I could doudile on!"

"Thank you so much Kathy!" I couldn't help it I ran right up to her and gave her a huge hug!

"Mom, you already have a daughter and you could always go on shopping sprees with her."

"Yes, Landon but she lives so far away I barely get to spend any real quality time with her."

"Mom, Natalia doesn't need you babying her."

"Son, didn't you go to the store yesterday? What did you end up buying when you came home there where bags everywhere."

"Nothing. I don't remember what I got, Dad." Was I wrong or was Landon Forester blushing?!

"Oh that's okay. I have the receipts right here." Good one Mr. Forester. "Let's see now, you bought 12 crop tops from Forever 21, 15 American Eagle jeans, 20 Faded Glory cut-off shorts, 18 skirts, at least 45 shoes and 10 jackets from various places- Shall I go on son?"

"By any chance is there a silver and blue moon necklace on there as well?"

"Yes there is, Milady."

*gasp* I didn't mean to gasp but, all of this could only mean one thing. "You bought all of those things for me Landon?"


"Oooh, Sweetie don't deny it! Its rather sweet of you!" Kathy didn't understand, this was not just 'a sweet gesture'. This meant that Landon Forester, my enemy and supposed fiancé, went out of his way and bought me a brand new wardrobe. Not to mention that he picked the clothes to suit my style. This meant he had to have been watching me or at least knew me a lot better than I thought in order to pick these clothes so perfectly.

"We need to go to school. And if you want a ride I suggest you hurry up."


" *sigh* What is it?!"

"They are perfect, the clothes. Thank you."

Now I maybe mistaken, but I swear to you not only did I hear a slight 'you're welcome' in return but I promise on my heart that Landon Forester was blushing! From my just saying 'thank you'. Maybe this boy wasn't as cut and dry as I had thought.

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