Oh, so we're dropping them now!

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KRIEKSIDI HI GUYS- so another chapter and i know what i'm doing😌 give me a round of applause..please? guys... okay-

Third Person
Ever since Peter had received that note he has been very cautious. Oh no, he's not the only one, Natasha had felt like she was being watched. Like the red room was haunting her again....Like she could never escape them...they'd always come back.

Natasha's POV
I was pacing around my room. That letter...I knew they weren't joking, they would reveal all my secrets. Everyone would be disgusted, Peter would hate me..

"Lady Natasha, why are you pacing?" Loki asks, standing beside my bed.

I jumped at the sudden noise. When i turned to see Loki i wasn't surprised. "none of your concern," i said, giving him a cold glare. He stepped back a bit but didn't leave, he stood there waiting for an answer. "Well, Lady Natasha, i do actually care for other people and their well-being" Loki says. I know he wasn't going to give up the subject so easily.

I debated whether i should tell him...Loki's trust worthy, right? I turn to him, "If i tell you..you can't tell anyone, understand?" i tell him sternly, he nods in understanding. "right..so, i guess i'll start from the beginning."

"Peter, you know the kid from the chat," Loki nodded, "He...Well, he's my son. His real name is Peter Romanoff. I didn't tell anyone because it would put Peter in danger.. When i gave birth to him i gave him to a family-"

"The Parker family," Loki finishes, i nod at his words.

"I knew i could trust them. Peters 'parents' were S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, when i heard that they died..i- i knew Peter would be sad. I went to their funeral and said my 'goodbyes'. But it didn't change the fact that i couldn't repay them for what they had done for me." At this point my eyes were watering up, but i still continued. "Knowing that i had missed Peters whole childhood..it  made me feel like a bad parent. He's sixteen now, sixteen and i missed all those years i could of had with him. When i found out who he was i was so glad... And when i saw him, i new that was him. And i miss him but he doesn't remember because he was only a baby.." My voice cracked at the end, Loki pulled me into a warm embrace. He kissed the top of my head, i felt safe with him and it scared me. It scared me because i didn't know why.

*time skip brought to you by blackfrost content*

Peters POV

It was a Friday afternoon, I was currently in English. We were in the middle of learning (whatever you want) before it got interupted by people in black clothing, they barged through the door, guns in hand. "Hello everyone, stay calm, we just want to find someone." The man said calmly. Everyone didn't move nor say a word. He indicated for us to follow him and we did.

They took us to the sports room, it looked like they were going to experiment something. "If you all will stand over there," The man pointed to a wall, as i walked past he eyed me suspiciously, i looked down nervously and walked over to the wall. "Now, you're probably wondering why you're here. One of you are not who they say they are, we are here to figure that out." The man said.

MJ looked at me worried, "what are they talking about?" She asked, i just shrugged in response.

They were going through a list of our classmates, "Eugene Thompson" The one woman called, Flash strutted up to them with a smug look on his face. MJ rolled her eyes at Flash.

The list finally reached my name, "Peter Parker." The woman called, the room was filled with suspense, even Flash was quiet. I quietly walked over to them. I gave them a sample of my DNA and they tested it. Their eyes widened.

"Peter Romanoff, you are coming with us!!" I froze Romanoff? That's impossible! I had no time to react as they grabbed my arms and started to drag me out the room. Everyone was sat shocked, MJ had a look of rage on her face.

"Excuse me, sir, i'm going to ask you to unhand the boy right now!" A man demanded. The guy that grabbed me looked shocked. "That's right, i am Agent Phil Coulson, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and if you don't unhand that boy we'll have to use lethal force." Just as he finished speaking Agent May, Simmons, Fitz, Bobbi, Hunter and Daisy walked in. Hunter turned to look at them, "Really? These are the guys we're fighting? They look like they just robbed a corner shop." Hunter exclaimed, earning a slap from Bobbi.

The Agents pulled out their icers (except May, she doesn't like guns) ready to shoot them, everyone in the room were freaking out except MJ. "No," The man replied, he used more force and tried to handle me out the room. The Agents dropped their icers and started to fight. "Oh, so we're dropping them now!" Hunter yelled, punching a guy in the face. May had already knocked out two guys as reinforcements came in. Bobbi had jumped and kicked two guys in the face knocking them down long enough to hit more. Daisy had quaked a guy and slammed another guys face into a wall. FitzSimmons had a look to see if Peter was hurt in any way but he was only shocked. MJ had found a metal pole and hit a guy also knocking him out. By the end either most guys were knocked out or to dazed to get up.

"i'm fine." I insisted, FitzSimmons nodded and Coulson came over, "What did they want?" He asked. I showed them the screen and most of their faces were shocked. "Well, that's intresting." Daisy said, everyone else nodded. MJ rushed over, "Peter, you have to confront her about this! And tell Harley!" MJ said, I nodded in agreement and everyone turned to me.

"What?" I ask, They just smirk. "Oh wow, thanks guys!" i say playfully.

"I'm sorry, you just never told us you had a boyfriend," Daisy smirked, we all ended up laughing, even May let out a small chuckle. "Well i'm sure your boyfriend will be a little shocked to hear this" Bobbi smiled, emphasising the word 'boyfriend'. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Parker you will always be worthless!" Flash shouted but immediately regreted it as the agents turned to them. He quickly scuttered out the door.

*Time skip brought to you by Hunter being Hunter*

I decided to go to the tower, i needed to ask Nat about this. I was angry at her but i also felt sorry for her at the same time. "Hey guys.." i say to the Avengers, they turned around to see me and immediately stood up. "We heard about what happened, are you okay?" Bruce asks, i nod at them calming them down a bit more.

"Peter, can i talk to you alone..?" Nat asks, i nod already know what this'll be about.

"I'm sorry i didn't tell you..i couldn't, you'd be out in to much danger." She says, i stare at her. I knew this but i couldn't help but let my emotions get the better of me. "But you could've! this whole time i've thought that i didn't have parents! that is lost everyone but then i come here and you guys become my new family! But then you betray me by not telling me that my mOm is still alive! how could you?" I yelled, i didn't meant to but it just slipped out.

"Because i wanted to protect you! i didn't want you to go through what i did! So i gave you to someone to protect you! It's not that i didn't want you i just wanted to protect you Peter!" Nat shouted back.

"I can handle myself! I'm not weak i could've done something! I'm spiderman for gods sake, i'll always find a way!" I shouted more loud than last time.

"I know you can Peter! I just wanted to protect you and i just couldn't lose you again!" Her voice became a whisper at the end and i felt bad.

"i'm sorry...i shouldn't of shouted" i say regretfully. She just pulls me into a hug and and we stand there for a while.

"I love you mama..."

"I love you to ~little spider~"

incase yall forgot ~ is for russian speaking. This is my favourite chapter by far, excuse my spelling and grammar my brain is failing me today but i hope you liked it!
have a good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night everyone!

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