The past comes back to haunt her.

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here's another chapter because i'm bored and thank you Cecetoast for helping me with this, love you❤️❤️ also this has language in it and may have a bit of a trigger warning

Mama Spider
Hey, why had recently been so eventful?

i don't know but it's quite annoying and terrifying

Peter is all safe and good so no need to worry!

Yeah, thank god for Ward!

Natasha's POV
Even though Peter is safe it doesn't make me feel better that a HYDRA agent helped! He could've done anything to Peter, putting their filthy hands on my son. I need to visit him soon to see if he's okay.

Peters POV
That was an eventful few days, MJ is back and safe so all of well... for a while i hope. "Hey, MJ... Are you alright? Did they do anything to you?" I ask concerned, she's like my sister i would be really sad if she was hurt by them.

"Peter for the fifth time, they didn't do anything that bad, i'm perfectly fine Peter," MJ laughs, she knew i was worried about her. It still didn't calm me down, i felt so panicked. "Peter, hey, calm down. I'm honestly fine, they didn't do anything to bad-"

"That's what i'm worried about! What did they do to you, you were screaming." I exclaimed angrily, i wasn't angry i was just worried. MJ pulled me into a hug and i quickly returned it.

*time skip brought to you by Sparky*

Tonys POV
"SHIT!" i shout in frustration, someone had hacked into MY tower. "Language!" I'm pretty sure Steve shouted. Old bastard doesn't know when to quit.

"I can hear you thinking about me!" Steve shouts. Of course he can.

Peters POV
"Peter...? Hey PETER!" MJ shouts into my ear. I must of zoned out again.

"Yeah??" I ask confused. MJ looked slightly panicked.

"We need to leave! Something is happening and... they're coming! Quickly Peter!" MJ said, i'm sure a few seconds ago it was fine.

We ran out the school and rushed to the Avengers tower.

"What's going on?! Are you both okay? Did anyone hurt you?" Mama asks worried. I was just as confused.

"The school... Men and women are checking for someone. Didn't want them to find Peter." MJ explains. Mama stared at her in realisation.

"i...i need go..." Mama says, she started to walk until a video came up. It was definitely a live video.

"Hello there, Avengers, how are you doing this fine day?" This man asks in his thick Russian accent. 

"No..." i could hear mama mumble. I turned so i faced her and saw her shaking. "Mama are you okay?" I asked her. She waved me off but i already knew the answer.

"Natalia. Are you there? How are you? It's me, Ivan." The man named Ivan told her.

Natasha's POV
This couldn't be happening. It can't be happening. The red did they do this?

"I think you know what we want. Hand us Natalia and we won't reveal anything... deal?" Ivan suggested in his deadly calm tone.

"No." Wanda said to the man. "You will not take her!" Wanda told him, she tilted her head at the video. (oh shit-)

"You think i'm scared of a kid?"

"You will be. I'm not any ordinary kid after all." Wanda replied, eyes going a shade of light red.

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