Stark Internship

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Wow Paul- that's suits him- ANWAY i was just so bored i decided to write this at 2:00am. i'm very sleep deprived :)


Peters POV
*beep* *beep* *beeeee-*
I slapped the alarm to make it shut up (like literally slapped it) i got up and remembered i have my internship today. I'm soo excited!

After i got dressed, i went downstairs to have breakfast. Aunt May left a note on the side and some money for lunch

Morning, Peter!

I had to leave early for work there's some money on the table for your lunch. Have a great time at school and the internship!

i larb you, May

I smiled, a genuine smile.

*skipping to lunch because i'm lazy af*

"Hey Ned, MJ" i say as i sit down ready to eat. I haven't been eating as much as i need to because i can't, my fast metabolism doesn't help either. I start eating but of course, Flash Thompson comes to torment me AGAIN. "Oi Penis i'm surprised you could afford that with your money! did you beg? You must have no way you could afford lunch here." Peter signed, he had dealt with Flash by ignoring him and that's what he'll do, ignore him. "Oi Penis Parker! i'm talking to you!" Flash walked towards me. My spider sense told me to move but i didn't, i regret that, water started to drop down me. MJ looked...pisser? huh she does have feelings. Ned just looked scared, guilty and angry.

"Aren't you going to your fake internship today Parker!" flash yelled. I really want to punch him but i could end up killing him, that wouldn't be bad on my behalf but i don't think his mother would be very pleased.

*skipping to the end of the day cause i'm lazy af*

I was rushing out the school hoping to leave before Flash and his 'friends' came, obviously my Parker Luck™︎ decided to strike again, which wasn't to nice. "Oi Penis! Did you think that we'd forgot?" Flash basically yelled but yes, i did hope he forgot.

After Flash and his 'friends' beat me up i
checked the time, SHIT i'm nearly late! I literally ran to the tower, like RAN and i made it on time so yay me.

I entered the building admiring the scene in front of me, it was huge, white and lots of people. "Excuse me can i help you? Are you lost?" This random lady asked. "Hello and no i'm not lost, i'm here for an internship. My names Peter Parker" i answered politely.

The lady looked confused but checked the computer. "Ah yes, here's your badge," she kindly handed me a badge and pointed to the elevator. Before i went i said a quick 'thank you' and strolled into the elevator.

Whilst i was in the elevator waiting i hide face a bit so no one could see the bruise Flash gave me, unluckily, someone joined me. I didn't even look at him a bit, well until he said, "Hello." I stood there for a couple seconds before replying a quick 'hi.'

"how's your day been then?" he asked

"good, i guess. yours?" i was confused, who was he?

"Mine was alright." he replied in bored voice.

"Sorry but what is your name?" i asked

"Oh, my name's Happy, whats yours?"

"Peter," i said.

Once i got off i said bye to, Happy. What kind of name is that? That can't be his name.

*time skip brought to you by (っ◕‿◕)っthis one (name it if you want)*

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