so this is Peter.

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Well i- i don't know what to write here-
and i still don't i guess we'll see what i'm going to write- :)))

Peter POV
I'm at the front of Stark Tower and walk in. "Happy, what floor do i...Happy?" i look around looking for him but i can't see him. Weird, i head inside the elevator and jump from FIRDAY speaking, "good afternoon Mr. Parker, i'll take you up to boss, he would like to see you" she says in her usual monotone voice. "T-thanks FRI" i say still shooketh.

The doors open and who do i see standing there? Tony Stark (ohmygoditsrobertdownyjunior!) "o-oh h-hey Mr. Stark.." silently fanboying inside.

"Hey kiddo! Come with me i need to talk with you" Mr. Stark says

We start walking when a wave of dizziness hits me. no Peter! don't pass out! i think to myself.

"Kid you alright?" Mr. Stark says sounding...concerned?

"j-just a little dizzy.. hit my head earlier at school"

He looks at me unconvinced. Then out of no where BRUCE FRICKING BANNER APPEARS!! "Hey Tony and Peter is it?" i nod, "Well nice to meet you Peter" Bruce says smiling

"Oh my god Dr. Banner in such a big fan!" i say before i ramble.

"Of the Hulk? Many are."

"What? No, well the Hulk is cool and all but you're the best scientist in the world! i've read all of your books at least 4 times!! (and all of that science talk) oh my god i'm sorry i'm rambling again..." i start freaking out again cause i just met BRUCE FRICKING BANNER!!!!

Bruce looks really happy and gives me a smile before he walks off.

*in tonys office*

"So, Peter. How would you like to be my personal intern?"

"y-your p-personal intern! a-are you serious?!" i stutter.

"why would i joke about something like that? Look, your a really smart kid. smarter than any kid i know and i know you'll do a good job helping me with my suits." Mr. Stark says.

"i-i'd love to Mr. Star-" before i can finish i get another wave of dizziness.

Mr. Stark looks at me concerned again "Are you sure your okay kid?"


"hmm...Anyway i think you should meet the team as well"

We go to the Penthouse to see the rest of the team arguing while playing smash bros.

"GUYS!" Mr. Stark shouts

Everyone turns towards him.

"Meet my intern, Peter" He says

Everyone's eyes were now on me and made me feel uncomfortable. "H-hi...."

Buckys POV
So this is the kid we've been texting. The one that's also getting bullied...He's got a cute face, like a puppy. I want to make him some cookies and i will.

"Anyone want some cookies?" i ask knowing they'll say yes.

Everyone nods except Peter who looks shy.

I start to bake them while keeping an eye on Peter, he really worried me after what he said and i want to make sure he's okay.

Peters POV
"Hey Pete, wanna play Smash Bros with us?" Clint asks

"u-uh...sure" i smile at him and walk over

We playa couple of rounds and i start to get the hang of it and eventually beat Clint.

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