Chapter Twenty-one

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"Blyke?! Where the hell did you come from?" Sera asked shocked at the redhead sudden appearance in the middle of what was now a war zone.

"Blown up building, looked like you could use some help." Blyke answered quickly.

"We can definitely use your help, just don't get caught. He'd kill you." Taz warned as he started levitating. "Well shit. This isn't going to be good."

"Hold on! I got ya!" Blyke yelled as he propelled himself skyward straight towards Taz. Knowing there wasn't much he could do Taz simply shot at Eren. Every shot of course missed. Blyke knew what he was about to do was pretty dumb and would most likely not work. However he also knew he had to try. He boosted himself to Taz

  When he was about a foot or so away he reached out and grabbed Taz. To Blyke's surprise it actually worked and he was now falling with Taz in tow.

  "Shoot the ground, but hold the shot. It will slow your desent." Blyke said. As he left go of Taz to stop himself from hitting the ground at almost 40 miles per hour.

  Once he was on the ground he realized that while John and Sera destracted Eren, Shannon used her ability to malipulate the changes in heat in the air to help free Taz.

  "We can't do much." John yelled "he's  seaming immune to his own ability, and we can't do shit from range."

  "So we need to rely on hand to hand?" Sera asked as she dodged a flying rock.

  "Seems that way." John replied. "Taz, we're going to need that wall. How many more times can you take that hit?"

  "Don't worry about me John." Taz said.  "Besides  the hit becomes much more bearable the further away from it I am."

  "Five people, two shields doesn't exactly  sound like its going to do much." Blyke yelled.

  "Me ans Sera can rewind damage, and Shannon  can deflect some projectiles. " John answered. "That means one of us has to cover your ass."

  John and Sera went in for an attack as they saw the opening. They knew Eren was picking up something big to throw, but they were hoping that between Blyke, Taz, and Shannon  they could blow it to bits before it could do too much damage.

  Shifting yourself throughout different timelines may seem pretty overpowered, against  someone  who can literally pick you up an hearl you at the ground at mach three with just the power of there mind not? Not so much John and Sera both knew this was a problem, but considering the range support  was all but dead for all they knew, they didn't have many options.

  "John watch out!" Shannon yelled as what looked like a bolt of white lightning whizzed past his head and straight at Sera.

  In a move that could have killed him John stopped  and put up an explosive wall. However it never exploded. The bolt hit and seemed to phase through the wall, it the disappeared.

  *what the fuck was that? And where the hell did it come from?* John thought  as he got thrown across the field.

  "John!" Shannon yelled as he hit the ground with a thud. Shannon  ran to where he landed and was met with the sight of her friend bleeding and seemingly  unconscious.  "Shit! I think John's out!" She yelled.

  "I'm down. But I'm not out yet." John said as he struggled to his feet. "We have to keep hitting him. Up close and personal." He dashed at Eren before his wounds were even fully  healed. Just then the ground started  to shake. He stopped.

  "Stay calm. Backup has arrived." Taz said before Blyke could ask what was going on.

  Suddenly someone appeared behind Eren. When Eren went to hit him the figure simply  caught the fist. He twisted Eren's arm and slammed him into the ground leaving  yet another creator.

  Eren threw the figure into the air then proceeded to launch him back at the ground. Sera and Blyke looked on in pure aw as the figure manipulated rocks and created a pad that he used to catch himself. He then jumped off the pad and hit Eren with a punch that simply deepened the creator.

  "About time you showed up." Taz said as the figure emerged  from the hole he had created.

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