Chapter 7

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Grace arrived back at the hospital  she was in her usual room the only difference was there was no James she felt empty she grabbed the handle and opened the door and got the scare of her life when she walked in there was a new girl her age in the bed James was usually in the girl was alone and so grace did what James did the first time they met.
Grace- hi my name is grace and i have cancer and I'm your room mate
The girl looked up
Megan- hi my name is Megan and i have cancer
Grace- there something we both have in common then what type
Megan- its in my stomach i need a replacement what about you
Grace- it use to be my stomach then it spread to my bones
Megan- can they do anything for you
Grace- will see
Megan-its my first round of chemotherapy right now
Grace- I'm having mine later on so how old are you
Megan- 15 and you
Megan—oh cool any siblings
Grace- 5 brothers, 2 step sisters and 1 evil step brothers
They both laughed
Grace- you got any  family
Megan- just me so what are they called
Grace- so there's Sam, the first set of twins Henry and Darren, then Tyler who's your age and my twin Joel but there also my evil step brother Ryan and his sister Lilly and Millie
Megan- big family do they come a lot
Grace- yes and no , Sam does all my appointments now and the rest come at least 3 times a week only my brothers tho
Megan- what about your parents
Grace - my dad is back in Liverpool so i live with my mum and step dad right now but I don't see them that much mum takes care of the little one then dale works here
Megan- cool can i ask you something
Grace- of course
Megan- are you scared of dying
Grace sat there for a moment remembering James
Megan-you don't have to answer it
Grace - my friend died they other week
Megan-oh I'm so sorry I didn't know
Grace- meg its not your fault see he taught me not to be scared of death so to answer your question no I'm not scared of death because i know he's got a seat next to him just for me
Megan-sounds like he was cool person
Grace just smiled
Grace- he was
The girls talked for hours creating a incredible friendship
Then nurse came in saying to them they needed sleep cause they were both to attend school in the morning
Grace- thank you meg
Megan - what for
Grace- for being my friend I don't have allot of them these days
Megan- and the same for you to

The morning came and both girls got up and dressed Megan was doing her make up and grace was watching her wondering what she was doing
Megan-you ok
Grace-sorry i have 5 brothers I've never seen anyone do make up
Megan-i can do yours if ye want
Grace- ok yeah
Megan went and put some make up on grace she felt different she felt better about herself none could see how weak and tired she was megan then handed her a mirror and graces face lit up and not just from the highlighter
Grace- i love it
The 2 girls hugged and both went off from the ward to there different schools

School was hard everything didn't feel right it was her first time back without James and to be honest i just wanted to go home I literally walked into the school with Lucas ,and ken and then i heard a voice ,Libby
Libby- I'm sorry for you lost
Libby- i was not finished, I'm sorry for your loss runaway
Grace- my friend died Libby so do me a favour and leave me alone for the day
Libby- but who else am I supposed to bully James was a freak like you
Ryan- first your dad leaves you then James does and don't forget Tyler left you as well and so did your mum
Grace- for your information me and Tyler are fine now and my dad never left me i was took away from him but how dare you say that
Libby- we only say the truth none loves you grace
Lucas- i love her so shut it you to
Libby- Lucas you know she doesn't belong here
Grace- ye your right Libby
Lucas- grace
Grace- shut up Lucas you became rich when you were 6 so i know you try and act like you get it nut you were to young to
Libby- trouble in paradise
Lucas- shut it Libby , grace I'm sorry
Grace- Lucas I can't do this anymore I've gotta
Libby-run away from your problems
Grace- not all of them cause its pretty hard to run away from cancer
And with that grace ran and she ran out of the school and she carried on running till she got to a park and she ran into the park and a tree and then collapsed tears dripping down her face but thankfully she wasn't alone she two recognised a voice in the background one Lucas and one Tyler this was a few minutes later after she got there
Lucas- grace can we talk what's going on
Lucas came over and tried to comfort grace but she moved away before he could her anxiety was playing up
Lucas- grace please
Grace- I can't do this right now i need you to go
Lucas-fine then you, you freak Libby was
Grace- you've just proved my point
Lucas- i didn't mean it
Grace- you think cause your rich you can say what you want you think ill tell you all my problems but that's all aloud of bull shit
Tyler stood there knowing his sister was strong
Lucas -fine ill go, but I'm sorry
Lucas slowly walked back to school feeling a lost of identity while Tyler went and sat next to his Sister who felt broken in every way shape and form
Tyler - you should really join a running team
Grace- I know
Both sat there giggling a little then silence fell again few minutes passed then it was broken
Grace- do you recon he can see what's happening
Grace- yeah James
Tyler- if he can he will be right now questioning why you didn't hit her or that might be me to
Grace- I wanted to , I really wanted to but i just couldn't
Tyler- she's been horrible to you and you never react you just don't give a shit why
Grace - there's a good answer to that
Tyler- teak me
Grace- it's always been the same in Liverpool when i reacted i just got in trouble and got sick with my anxiety coming here I could be the person without the anxiety but i became someone else
Grace- the person i want to be but also the person with cancer
Tyler- you are so much more than this
Grace - thanks t I'm going to miss you
Tyler- your not dead yet grace
Grace - i gotten given the choice to do another round of chemo which was 99% fail
Tyler - the 1% tho is hope
Grace - the hope part is having enough time to say good bye to yous

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