Chapter 8

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Graces funeral
The brothers stood up together next to each other , side by side they all had hold of paper full of words but a heart full of sadness
Tyler - hi everyone i never wanted to stand and say these words but welcome to my sisters funeral ...
I never thought this day would come the day i spoke these words , grace wasn't like most people she had her issues like anyone else but when you knew her like really knew her she was weird but she was my sister and best friend. The night she ditched us she knew it was time and said her final good bye at this point I thought she was joking like always but a few sentences later and she was no longer there but I'm not here to focus on that I'm here to tell you about the brave soldier who fought cancer and brought life to many over people even when she was in a dark place she would always make sure her brothers were ok I love you grace I'm sorry your gone I'm sorry we won't see you achieve what you were going to not even beat us all with getting the most gcse so as you said fuck you cancer you've took my favourite person away from me so do one we had our ups and downs and I'm sorry but why did you take my best friend from me

Joel- grace and me go all the way back I've known her the longest here she was my womb buddy and since that day I've been constantly beating her like I was born 10 mins before her but grace you had to beat me on this one didn't you and im annoyed you did you shouldn't be up there in the sky looking down at us not being able to shout at us when we mess up must be annoying you , grace you were my twin and I didn't know you the best but I did as-well I'm sorry I wasn't the best brother but you always pushed me to reach the goals society thought were impossible for us and that's what I'm going to do I'm going to do it for you sis cause your my biggest supporter but more importantly my biggest inspiration
Henry- being a twin is hard being the only girl and growing up with over protective brothers is hard  so in a way that was her life us pulling pranks on one another and her being the best which is herself she didn't care what anyone thought of her  she was my sister and my partner in crime I loved her yeah she had anxiety depression and fucking cancer , dad I'm sorry for swearing but she put up the best fight I've seen you go girl your my hero
Darren- she's my little sister she shouldn't be the one lying down right now it should be that stupid borris jonson but ay god you took my sister and I just got to ask why , why take someone so good for this world was that the reason she was to good grace deserves so much more than we gave her we love you sis and I won't forget this person you are your not gone
Sam- hi I'm Sam I'm the oldest so I always looked after grace I'd take her to hospital appointments school you could call me her personal taxi which is what I was unfortunately I lost her on what was supposed to be the happiest day of my life I married my one true love but also lost my little sister I'm glad she was there for a while to celebrate her smile lit up the room she knew it was they end. Which was scary part but grace if you can hear me your my baby sister and I love you I'd do anything for you just do my a favour if I have a kid I wanna  make sure there like you cause your frigging amazing say hi to the grandparents and I'll see you up there sis

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