Chapter 3

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Mean while with grace
I just kept running through the gates and out of the estate I felt like I was running away from all my problems I felt free I kept running then I came upon a little park and I noticed a little building looked like a community centre but next to it was an empty basket ball court i ran over and jumped the gate the court was well lit and so I put my head phones in and started dribbling the ball and shooting and practicing it helped so much the tears were coming out of my eyes but it blended in with sweat on the court and at the community centre at Crockford (Liverpool ) is the one placed I felt like I belonged I was on the court for about an hour and then a car pulled up I recognised the car at this point my eyes were completely red from crying so much and well I took a break about 10 minutes ago and almost done something stupid but just forced myself back on the court before I did all off a sudden I saw someone climbing over the fence and two more getting out car and all off a sudden I hear GRACE it was Tyler I dropped the ball and ran other to him hugging him as tight as possible and i just collapsed onto the floor into tears I dragged him down with me then Joel and Sam came over hugging me as tight as possible and I just sat there crying we all sat on the wall of the fence and I had a rant and we all did Joel was even crying at one point then we had a laugh remembering some old memories like the time sam brought his first girlfriend home and me Joel and Tyler pored flour over her she never came back after that but then I said I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do I should of had them stupid meds but I feel like a stranger in my own body when I do them Joel interrupted this is why I'm going to the smart private school none of us our bothered about your panic attack as long as your ok but next time don't run so far flipping 7 miles girl thank god we have a car they all just laughed then Sam said come on it's 10:00 we should be getting back to the mansion , Tyler spoke again no more running away ok and that Ryan is a dick ignore him come on , i just laughed and we all got in the car and drove to the new place we called home but I didn't see it as home yet when we got in dale and mum was sat on the stairs mum had been crying she came running over and hugged me and said I'm so so sorry my little warrior I stood there frozen she hadn't called me that in 3 years 2 seconds later I rapped my arms around her and said I missed you mum we stayed there hugging then Joel joined in then Tyler and Sam and then to our shock dale did eventually we broke the hug and dale said I'm so sorry about Ryan he wasn't aware of your disorder but that is no excuse for his behaviour I just nodded my head right off to bed mum said and we all just went upstairs we were so tired i went straight to the toilette put my pjs on from my bag and done my teeth and went to my room I could hear two people talking in my room obviously it was Henry and Darren i opened and 2 little girls came running at me shouting GRACE your  home both in satin striped pink and white pjs behind them was Henry and Darren they came over and asked if I was ok I just nodded my head Millie then spoke grace can me and Lilly sleep with you tonight I just nodded my head and they both started jumping with joy  the boys went out so me and the girls went and got into bed and then one of them asked grace why don't you talk I just smiled and got out of bed and got this book and then Tyler walked in he must of heard them ask and he came and sat down and I whispered to him tell them so then I got the book out with photos in while Tyler said ok so Millie Lilly  you see it takes grace a bit of time to feel comfortable around new places and people the girls looked confused and grace took a deep breath and spoke Tyler I have a mental health disorder    Called anxiety disorder and depression which means I struggle with my talking and self confidence and other stuff but also if I get sad I get really sad so i use to take medication but most of my depression is gone the girls just sat there and said so you like a supper hero said Millie I answered yes and laughed Tyler mouthed to me well done and smiled before saying right all 3 supper hero's need rest the 2 girls laughed and grace just smiled night they all said and Tyler went to his own room  and the girls went asleep
The next week went quick but Sam was starting  to worry about grace he noticed she had barely been eating but the day came were Sam and Joel left Sam was back off to uni and Joel was moving into his new private school dorm room I said don't turn all posh boy on us lad he just laughed and hugged me and got in the car with dale and he took him it was the first time me and him had been apart  for so long I wouldn't see him till the half term or even Christmas then Sam came up to me and the 3 brothers that was left and said stay out of trouble and I'm only a phone call away and grace just breathe and only take the meds if you want and please don't run 5 miles away again I just laughed with tears in my eyes two of my brothers were gone and tomorrow we would all start our new school tower state private high school and I was nervous worst of all Ryan was in my class but dale managed to get me a place to train with the basketball team after school 

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