Chapter 2 the reunion

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The morning came of the day we went to see mum I woke up like any over morning and went to the bathroom and got a shower and got ready I wore my ripped jeans and one of my brothers Joel's old hoodies he use to be so tall so I managed to fit in his clothes since I was on 5 foot 4 and he use to be 5 foot 10. later I heard banging on the door GRACE a voice shouted from outside they shouted again GRACE again and eventually they barged into room it was Tyler he came in and asked if I was ready Sam was going to drive us up then he stopped and stared at me and realised I had Joel's hoodie on he just smiled at me and told me that we're going now and that Joel was going to kill me I just laughed And I grabbed my bag hugged my dad and he said I'll see you in the summer to me , Tyler Joel Henry and Darren . sam finished loading the car and then we all race to see who would be sat in the front I lost and ended up in the back with the twins Darren and Henry this was no fun at all and Joel got stuck with all the bags we were going up for a week well that's what we thought anyway.

Car ride
Sam- what are yous all doing back there
Henry - betting to see if mums gonna tell us she pregnant or not
Darren - so far me and grace are saying that what it will be and Joel and Henry are going with she getting her boobs done
Tyler- put me down for that she's pregnant
Sam- same here cause she said we've got news
Grace -she said surprise but did anyone else know what dad meant when he said see you in August ?
Sam- I don't know weird
We all laughed
3 hours later when we arrived in London
It was around 6 pm we pulled into an estate full of big house we drove down a gated community these were not the kind of houses we were use to back home all my brothers had to share there was two in each room but then Sam moved out to uni but we only had small rooms two of them slept in the attic anyway we finally got to a huge grey gate with a buzzer on it I (grace ) shout who the fuck is mum marrying I knew he was rich but I didn't know he was this rich everyone agreed Sam spoke how do we get in Darren and Henry looked at each other and got out the car and climbed over the fence and then the gates magically opened also some alarm started going off in the background weird. We drove up a long path full of trees we all gazed out the window eventually we got to this house well it wasn't a house it was more of a mansion I looked at it my jaw dropped open and I had no clue what to say we got out the car and there she stood with tears in her eyes she looked gorgeous stood there in an jeans a white blouse and a gorgeous dark blue blazer with the Chanel logo on it her blonde hair curled perfect I couldn't believe it , it was mum Tyler spoke "she had definitely had plastic surgery " not loud enough for her to hear she came walking over to us I didn't know what to think I felt so weak I could feel an anxiety attack coming on I just grabbed Tyler's hand and squeezed it Tyler is my favourite brother he just looked at me and said it's ok do you want to take the meds no I just put my other hand in my pocket and played with my stress ball I just said no I want to deal with this on my own without the meds I'm on medication to help me feel less stressed I can have quiet bad anxiety attacks I didn't leave my room at one point anyway. Mum eventually finished walking over and started giving hugs and she was crying she got to me and Tyler I was still holding his hand tight and hugged us both and just looked at me in they eyes my baby girl she then stroked my face I stepped back she then spoke welcome to your new home Joel was confused he was extremely smart Joel and he spoke what do you mean by new home mum stood there for a minute with a face of panic and confusion I'll explain at tea when you meet dale and his family let me show you to your rooms so you can unpack next minute we see a moving than pull up on the drive what's that Sam asked mum replied nothing. We eventually the house through 2 huge grand oak doors wow it was huge mum took us upstairs and said our rooms are in the west wing we each got our own room and we could decorate them I thought to myself why would we decorate them were only here for a week aren't we. Anyway we eventually all found our rooms and went and put our stuff away I walked into my room and my face dropped I had a king sized bed with silk sheets and huge cushions and a gorgeous gold bed frame and my favourite part the vintage bay window that overlooked the huge garden wow I thought did mum marry a prince or something I looked round my room was huge eventually I heard a nock on the door and next minute Tyler walked in hey can we talk he says I just nodded my head and he came in and sat on my bed so I came and sat next to him he looked at me I just stared down at my feet with tears forming my eyes he just sat there and said Are you ok I just Burst out in a rant to him WHAT THE HELL DID SHE MEAN BY NEW HOME AND WHAT DID DAD MEAN BY SEE YOU IN AUGUST
I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK ITS BEEN 3 YEARS TYLER 3 FUCKING YEARS AND NOW SHE WANTS TO SEE US AND WHO THE HELL IS DALE SOME PRINCE I screamed all that and then just broke down in tears I feel drained t he just sat there and hugged me I just cried into his shoulder breath G it's gonna be ok next minute Sam came in yous ok he asked Joel followed him in I just started laughing and said ye did I scare you Joel said ye I was trying to read Sam hit him on they head and said what would we do without Joel the king of dorks we all just laughed and sat on my bed Sam spoke I know what yous are all wondering but like she said she'll explain at tea which is an hour and half away so why don't I go grab a pack of cards and the other set of twins and will play a game we all agreed to it and so we did about 40 minutes we heard giggles and shouts coming from the garden Henry asked what's that ? Darren asked I don't know coming from out the window Sam said go and Look out the window then you idiots they both got up and moved to the window and they spoke guys yous should come and see this they both said we all rushed over I said what the GRACE , Joel kindly interrupted me before I could finish my sentence he always hated it when I swore but then Tyler spoke who do you think they are there was 2 little girls down there and a boy around my age to Sam then spoke who ever they are I'm guessing will find out at tea cause looks like mums going to talk to them. Eventually it was time for tea and all I could think was who were tho kids and what did dad mean this morning. Eventually we found the dining rooms who knew they had a room just for eating we walked in there was a huge table it could fit 12 people around it we was the first ones to come in me and all my brothers had just walked in then we heard laughing again then 2 blonde girls came running in they looked rather young both in baby pink dresses Poofy dresses that went to there knees they came in and all of a sudden stoped laughing and started to stare behind them came in a blonde boy he looked around my age he had a brown hair bit of a ket wig behind him came mum the 2 girls shouted MUMMY they went over and hugged her I wasn't sure what to do we all just stood there next to each other awkwardly until mum said sit down we all sat down there was Joel me Tyler Henry and Daren on one side then the 3 strangers and Sam he left a seat between him and they 3 strangers on they other side and mum sat at they head of then dale he went and sat at they other end of head he was right by Sam and Darren then all of a sudden some lady came in dishing out bowls of chicken or tomato soup it looked Devine I wasn't sure what to say tho then all of a sudden dale spoke he said welcome you lot what a pleasure it is that you'll be here with us for a while mum interrupted him honey I haven't told them yet , told us what Tyler shouted let us introduce everyone then we will tell you what's going on Tyler darling mother said
Ok then dale said
Sam went first hi I'm Sam I'm 18 and have just finished my  first year of uni
Then the boy next to him spoke
I'm Ryan I'm 13 and I play basketball and dale is my father  and these are my little sisters
Grace was thinking he plays basketball like me and the boys maybe he's not that bad anyway we carried on next what two blonde girls
Hi one of them shouted I'm lilly and I'm 8 I love Barbie and that's my daddy and new mummy and I'm happy cause I got a new big sissy
Grace thought did she just say new big sister is that me
The next they other  blonde girl Spoke
I'm Milly I'm 10 years old and I'm also excited to have a new big sister
Next my mum spoke aww how nice is that should grace go next I sat there and stared
Down at my feet I didn't know what to say to be honest I didn't want to talk all off a sudden Tyler spoke this is grace she has got a sore throat right now he glared at mum when he said that bit mum knew about my disorder maybe she had forgotten after 3 years anyway he carried ok and grace is excited to have to little sister I nodded my head both of the girls smiled at me and I smiled back he carried on and I'm Tyler I'm 14 and can I say I love your dresses  the two girls blushed I mouthed to Tyler thank you and then Joel spoke hi I'm Joel and grace is my twin sister so I'm also 13 like Ryan as well. Finally we got to Henry abs Darren spoke in unison hi we are Henry and Darren and we are both 15 and twins we both love footy.
We all finished eating well apart from me I hadn't touched my food I wasn't hungry and then mum spoke guys I was talking your dad and me and him think it will be good if you came and lived here during the academic school year and back with him in the summer yous all start your new schools in a few weeks well apart from Sam who will be back at uni and Joel has been excepted into the best private school in London and the uk but you already knew that so he'll be going to live there but grace Tyler Henry and Darren yous will all be going to school with Ryan were dales brother is head teacher it's the 3rd best private school in London we all sat there in shock Tyler and Joel grabbed my hands they could tell I was ready to freak out but we all stayed silent but then dale broke the silence I know this is a shock to you all but we really want this to work out and we are so excited but if you don't like it after a year we understand if you want to go back with your father we all just sat there I squeezing Tyler's and Joel's hands then one of the little girls spoke mummy daddy  yes Lilly darling dale answered as long as it is ok with grace I just nodded my head to be honest I just wanted to get out of that next minute my arms were being pulled by 2 giggling little girls and they dragged me all the way up 3 floors to the west side of the house and into my room they knew were it was we got in and they slammed the door shut and we went and sat on the bed they both sat on either side of me
Lilly so is Joel your actual twin
Millie which one Joel
Lilly he's the tall one who sat next to grace
I just nodded my head
Then after about 20 million yes or no question there was a nock on the door and a boy walked in it was Ryan walked in they both shouted RYAN and ran over to him and whispered to him she's not talking to us for some reason I could hear them and just smiled they all came over and then Ryan asked so what was your old life like I moved off the bed and went to my bag he then questioned what are you doing I just put up one finger to meaning give me a minute and then I went and sat back on then bed with two books and gave one to each of the girls to look through then Tyler came in and asked if everything was ok I nodded my head and but he still came and sat next to me and watched the girls and Ryan facial expressions as they went through the books they were only about 10 pages in then mum came in girls time for bed Lilly said do we have have  to mum answered yes it's already passed your bed time they hugged me both of them at the same time I just hugged them back and waved when they said night the girls had finally gone thank god I thought and carried on flicking through the pages of my scrap book and tears formed in my eyes but I held them back then Ryan spoke would it kill you to talk to them , honestly they have been so nice to you and they were so excited to meet you and you've been a snotty bitch and didn't say a word not even a night and had someone introduce yourself to us  you idiot then Tyler shouted EXCUSE ME WHAT DID TOU JUST SAY all off a sudden Sam Joel Henry and Darren all came running Joel said what's going on I just jumped off my bed and started to hyperventilate I felt like I was going to pass out Ryan spoke again her she's pathetic she hasn't spoke a word all night to my sisters and all they done is be nice to her she got no respect to even say good night or what her stupid name is she a stupid bitch I wanted to scream I felt so on edge I could feel myself going into a panic attack I ran out of room and down the stairs I then ran pass dale and Joel tried to follow me but dale stopped him to find out what was going on this gave me time to  Find  the front door put my shoes and grabbed my bag with my basketball in and ran out they house. Meanwhile in graces bedroom Tyler shouted what is wrong with you he shouted at Ryan , Sam then spoke your a spoil brat you kid do you not think it's been a difficult day for grace and us lot this was our first time seeing our mum after 3 years and then being told she going to be living here and in school with you the Henry started shouting she's already been through loads today and in the past you don't know what she's been through or what she's still going through then Darren started shouting sorry mate I don't know who you think you are to speak to her like that and make her run out you don't know how hard she has it worst out of all of us Tyler then spoke GET OUT , GET OUT NOW Ryan sprinted to the door he looked shocked he said on his way out she could of just introduce herself and said night Tyler then said GET OUT again then all off sudden mum walked in and said why are you shouting at him Sam walked passed her haven't got time for this got to go find grace because of him come on Tyler yous two explain to her see what she thinks of her new favourite son  Tyler and Sam ran downstairs and Henry and Darren explained what happened to there mum she just sat there with her head in her hands and said I'm so sorry I haven't told the kids about her disorder to be honest I thought she was better with her anxiety and depression Henry just said well she's not ok now let's go find her we don't know how far she could of got. Meanwhile downstairs Sam and Tyler came running down the stairs and saw dale they asked if they had seen her  dale said no but I'm so sorry about Ryan I'm going to speak to him when we find her we've only looked on one half the house she must be on they other side Tyler said get your keys Sam she wouldn't of stayed in the house remember last time at school he nodded they got there the car keys and shoes Joel came and said I can't find her we're going to drive around to see if we can see her come on quick Tyler said the 3 boys ran out into the car to find there sister all off the sudden the two little girls came running down the stairs and so did Ryan and he was stood there laughing that grace is weird he said his dad stood there furious the girls asked what's with all the shouting dale answered I need a word with your brother girls back to bed quickly I'll come and speak to you tomorrow the both replied yes daddy and ran off gabbing to each other a minute later the room was silent and then Henry Darren and Martha there mum came running down the stairs Henry and Darren both stopped and snarled Ryan before Henry asked dale where is she dale spoke in a calm voice to try and relax his soon to be wife and the two boys ,Ryan wasn't bothered dale said Joel Sam and Tyler have just gone out in their car to find her hopefully they will me your mother and use two are going to go and have a conversation with Ryan , Ryan rolled his eyes well she  is pathetic she caused all this drama now ,THATS IT HE'S HAD IT  Henry  shouted he went to hit Ryan but Darren grabbed hold of him in time come on boys let's go and sit down they all followed dale into the living room there was a huge couch which dale sat on next to Martha and Henry and Darren did as well Ryan slumped himself into an arm chair by them. Martha then spoke right Henry Darren we're going to tell Ryan about graces disorder and will tell the girls in the morning they both nodes there head and Ryan sat up a bit and said ok I'm ready for her excuse RYAN shouted dale Grace has an anxiety disorder and depression things you find easy like talking she finds hard in certain situations so like today seeing her mum after 3 years and getting the news she's moving and 4 new family members one who's made her run away it's extremely hard for her then Darren spoke to make it harder for herself she's off her medication cause she wants to get better and not really on a drug to make her feel ok Ryan sat there shocked I'm so sorry I thought she was being a brat I had no clue I feel horrible but she could of just said night an d introduced herself it's not that hard Martha interrupted but it is for her then Henry spoke she had a really rough time at school and still dose Henry said so things like today are hard for anyone but are a lot harder for her Ryan sat there he didn't know what to say so Darren said she will forgive ye but it's going to take her some time to trust you but do us a favour give her a few days and when yous go to school show her we're the basketball team is so she can play again Ryan nodded his head the dale said right off to bed you 3 they all nodded Ryan went to his room but Henry and Darren went and sat in graces and waited for her .

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