Chapter 5

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Grace walked into the front door and shouted I'm home next minute her mum came running down the stairs followed by her two step sister
Grace - mum
Mum- grace
She hugged her tight
Lilly- grace your home we missed you
Millie- you been gone on holiday for so long
Grace - I'm home now
Millie- we are off out to dance come on Sam your taking us let's go mr
Sam - come on princess
Sam lilly and Millie left and it was grace and her mum they stood there looking at each other
Mum- how are you
Grace- I'm ok my hair came out today but I'm gonna beat this
Mum- I know you will you are my warrior now go to your room your brothers and Lucas are up there don't worry Ryan's out with Libby
Grace- thanks mum i love you mum
Mum- I love you to.
Grace carried her suit case and opened her room next minute she was attacked by 3 boys it was Henry Darren and Joel  they all hugged her tight she noticed Lucas in. The corner and next to him was she couldn't believe it Tyler she still didn't want to talk to him
Grace - get him out
Henry- grace who
Grace - Tyler get out now
Tyler - please grace I'm sorry
Grace- your not sorry and I'm not in the mood for being called weird or a freak so get out
Darren- grace he's changed sort off he's nicer he's still ugly
Grace- ugly on the inside and outside
Tyler- it's ok I'll go but grace please I'm really sorry and I'll respect your wishes
Grace - OUT NOW
Tyler went out and went into his room and just started to cry he stayed in his room and just cried his eyes out he understood why grace hated him who could blame her after the way he treated her
Meanwhile in graces room
Grace- I'm not ready for him yet
Joel- and it's ok will get there
Darren- he's changed tho
Henry- he's been worried sick
Lucas - we all have
Grace - Lucas he might of been worried sick but I am the one who's sick
She went over and hugged him tight
Grace - how are you
Lucas- I've been missing one of my best mates
Grace- of course
Lucas - ye I know Ken's been missing for ages
Grace and Lucas just laughed
Grace- I need a serious talk
Lucas- are you ok
Grace- lock the door and sit on my bed
Henry locked the door and then Henry Darren Joel and Lucas sat on the bed
Darren- what's going on grace
Grace- I tried to tell you when you came to visit but Tyler came and then I couldn't but there is a reason I was in for so long
Henry- grace we will be ok what's up
Grace- I have anorexia but I also have
Tears filled up her eyes Lucas got off the bed and went to comfort her
Lucas- it's ok grace it's ok loads of people have anorexia
Grace - it's not just that I've also got
She takes off her wig and places on the bed
Grace- cancer I have cancer
Henry - grace
Grace - don't do any of there it's gonna be ok
I had to much of that
Henry- I was going to ask if you wanted some pizza
They all laughed
Joel - were all here for you 
The night went quick she didn't tell anyone else night became morning and at 6:00 am her alarm went off she woke up she had a scarf to stop her head from being cold she went and showered came out put the school uniform on and of course her converse on then put on her wig so none would find out especially Tyler and Ryan she then grabbed her bag and went to unlock her door and go down to take her medication then Sam drove her Darren and Henry to there school and he also dropped Joel off at his school he wouldn't be home for a few weeks tho grace still refused to be in the same car as Tyler. They eventually arrived at school and grace had a meeting luckily the head teacher was her step uncle and new what was going on but she had to speak to her head of year Mrs smith she took one deep breath and walked into the school many people stared when she walked in none had seen her since the fall and the she saw Ryan libby and Victoria they all snarled her none but Lucas Henry and Darren knew about her cancer in school she was walking toward Mrs smith class room as she ha been asked to go first thing she nocked  on the door and walked in but someone else was in there to he had a balled head like James she couldn't see his face but she thought must be a coincidence. That the boy had a bad hair cut Then the teacher spoke
Mrs smith- ahh grace how are you doing
Grace- I'm ok miss you know don't you
Mrs smith- yes and may I say your confidence has came in massively
Truth it's graces confidence had came on massively she seemed a whole new person she learnt to love herself when she was in the hospital and a lot more
Grace- thanks it's all thanks to my mate James who I met there
James- awww grace don't
Grace- JAMES
grace ran over and hugged him and James got up and hugged her
James - do what do you think of your surprise
Grace- wait are you
James - yes I used my wish to come here and be with my bestie
Grace- you shouldn't of
James - I'm glad I did
Grace - also none but my family apart Tyler knows about the cancer
James- ok
Mrs smith- I don't mean to break up this reunion but you's need to be getting to class
James - of course Mrs smith
And with that they went out the door and started walking to there history  class and they walked in and sat down at there table James came and sat with grace Robbie Ken and Lucas the teacher introduced him luckily they had added an extra seat
James - so what is up the boys I'm James me and grace met at the hospital
Grace- James has a bit of big ego but not as big as Ken
James - I do not have a big ego
Ken - neither do
The teacher had been called to the office
Grace Robbie and Lucas all laughed at them until they heard libby shout across the class
Libby- be careful the freak might faint and fall down the stairs
Ken- oh shut it libby
Victoria and Ryan were in the class to
Ryan-  oh she'll runaway if she sees food to go and be sick
Victoria- the freak
James wasn't sure what to do so he did what he done best he made a fool of himself 
James - hi everyone and I'm James and I'm new kid
Libby - no one cares
James - and none cares about your thoughts about grace
Victoria- to scared to talk for yourself grace
Grace - not really but if we're pointing out everyone's flaw vic I should tell you your grey hairs are starting to show again
The class burst out laughing
Victoria- you actual freak
James - so what I'd be proud to be a freak
Grace - and I'm proud to be a freak ay should we show them our dance
James - may I have this dance grace
James and grace walked to the front off the class and done this stupid dance they made up in the hospital all the class was laughing and grace wasn't anxious for once next minute they went and sat down and the teacher came back in and done there work libby Ryan and Victoria just snarled them  then the chatting on the tables all began
Lucas - what was that
Robbie - I'll tell you it was awesome
Ken- your confidence grace
Grace- all thanks to you idiots and a sick dance partner
James - we get it I'm a hospital kid
They all laughed including James
They all finished the class and walked out grace split off from the group as she needed to take her meds and then there was libby Ryan and they  cornered grace  the libby  said if you dare embarrass us like that again it will be the end of you Victoria then went and pushed grace on the floor and all 3 of them started to kick her they eventually walked off after kicking her for two minutes but this lead grace to be on the floor unable to move for a minute then she found her strength again and rushed down to the medical room to do her medications and make sure she was ok she didn't tell anyone what would happen as she knew it wouldn't go well. 3 months had went by grace was still being bullied when she was by herself , but her confidence grew she became a class clown and everyone in the class loved her and none had found out about grace having cancer or James  having it to graces hair still hadn't grown back yet so she was wearing a wig and still doing chemo anyway grace James Lucas Ken and Robbie all grew very close and done everything together and everyone new Lucas had a thing for grace. Also grace and Tyler weren't talking still but Tyler was now mates with Henry and Darren  and there friends but he understands why grace wasn't talking to him or didn't want him by her at all and Henry and Darren were still close with grace Then one day in school they were yet again in history class and Libby started to say something to grace usually she would ignore her but not today today it wasn't going to go well
Libby- everyone listen up
Ken- what now ( he whispered to his mates )
Libby - I have something to tell you about
Grace thought rushed through her head did she know about her , her cancer no she couldn't off
Libby- truth is grace is a big freak 
Victoria- with a freaky disorder
Ryan - shes anorexic the freak and to make it worse she scouse
The whole class was in silent all staring at grace until
Lucas- so what if she is anorexic and I'd be proud to be scouse
Libby- got people talking for you again none wonder your brother disowned you
Grace- I'd shut up now libby , unless you want to deal with the anorexic girl you troll
Libby- that's it
libby stormed across the class room and started kicking grace and then Lucas grabbed her trying to pull her away she was to strong though she broke free and ragged graces hair thing was grace had a wig on to hide her balled head and then everyone knew
Libby- hair cut go wrong for you
Everyone in the class was laughing even grace  but Lucas never and Robbie James and Ken never as they felt bad for grace but Lucas and James knew why she would and in a few minutes later the class would , grace only laughed because if she didn't she would be in tears.
Victoria- god who gave you this bad hair cut
James - I think I done a good job on it if I do say so myself
The teacher walked in with Mrs smith  and shouted
Teacher - what has gone on here
Lucas explained
Mrs smith- grace are you ok
Grace was trying not to cry she snatched the wig back from libby then spoke
Grace - I think it's time to tell everyone don't you miss
Mrs smith- only if you want to
The class was silent Lucas stood up and held graces hand
Lucas- you don't have to if you don't want to
Grace squeezed his hands
Grace - I want to over wise libby will make up some stupid rumour
Libby- hurry up and tell us you bad hair cut freak
Teacher - Libby shut it and sit down all of you sit down
Mrs smith - grace when your ready
Grace - can you put this video on when I say miss
She handed the teacher her phone so she could put it on when grace said and she got up and stood at the front and stared at her friends with tears falling down her face
Teacher - of course
Grace- hi everyone I'm grace
Libby- we know hurry up
James - oh shut it libby this is serious go on grace you've got this you can put my secret to
Libby- that your gay
James - oh libby baby girl that ain't know secret
Grace - well as you know I missed a few months off school and then I leave early due to hospital appointments for treatment like Ryan said I am anorexic but I'm anorexic as I have
Ryan - hurry up you freak
Lucas - shut it your supposed to be her step brother and support her
Grace - I have cancer
James - miss play that video please
Grace- please miss
The teacher press play on the video and the video of grace and James shaving there heads came on everyone in the class started at them and James went and stood up next to grace the video ended and the whole clad was in shock
Grace - we have cancer and well that's life bad things are going to happen I didn't tell anyone into I came home and then I only told my brothers Sam Joel Henry and Darren and one of my best friends Lucas
James - it's hard to tell people
Grace - Ken Robbie I'm sorry I didn't tell you I didn't know how you would react
Then Ken Lucas Robbie came up and hugged James and grace. They spoke only words of comfort eventually everyone came up apart from Libby Victoria and Ryan and they all spoke words of comfort then the whole class sat back down and grace out her wig back on  the day went rather quick but there was a lot of stares but grace was ok with that grace informed Henry Darren of what happened at lunch then she called Sam and Joel and told them to the day seem normal until it was dinner in the mansion Lucas had came over they spent most day after school together it was normal for them to have tea together anyway everyone was sat at the table who was in the mansion around the table was Millie Lilly , Henry Darren, grace , Lucas , Tyler , dale the step dad and the mum unfortunately there was also Ryan and Libby there was silence at the table until dale asked his usual question how was school and everyone responded
Millie- I got star of the day
Lilly- so did I
Dale - well done what about you Older ones
Henry- detention again
Darren- same here apparently your supposed to be on time
Mum - and I wonder why your attendance is poor
Henry and Darren- so do we
They all laughed
Dale- anyone else want to share
Libby - we found out grace and James had cancer today
Everyone froze
Ryan- ye grace finally told us all her secret
Tyler- wait what stop messing you to idiots
Libby- oh she didn't tell you some sister she is
Grace- I'm not feeling hungry anymore
Lucas- you want to go watch a film grace
Grace nodded her , grace and Lucas quickly exited the room but before she did Libby grabbed the bottom of the hair pulling of her wig the grace froze
Tyler- grace
Before he could carry on
Grace - yes I have cancer is that ok with everyone yes I'm balled and yes I don't know what's going to happen so can we leave at that

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