How to save a life

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20 years in the future since the day of graces passing

Tyler was sat in the hospital chair once again his daughter 5 laid there in the bed after receiving surgery to get her appendix removed his wife Olivia was sat next to him and the lovely nurse called darcie had just brought in lunch for the family. When all of a sudden daughter Charlotte grace , opened her eyes and spoke
Charlotte- mum dad I'm hungry
Tyler- hey kiddo are you feeling ok
Olivia- the nurse has just brought you some chocolate baby girl
Charlotte face lit up when she heard the word chocolate
The family talked for a bit all normal until Charlotte asked a question which through Tyler off
Charlotte- daddy who's grace she said that she forgives you daddy
Tyler- did you say grace
Charlotte- ye she looked after me when darcie the nurse gave me the gas to make me go asleep
Olivia- I'll give yous some space
Olivia left the room
Tyler- well you know the way you have all your annoying uncles Sam , Henry,Darren and  Joel
Charlotte- yes
Tyler- well you also have an auntie grace who is Joel's twin
Charlotte- why have I not met her daddy
Tyler - well you see when grace teen ager she was very very ill
Charlotte- like me
Tyler laughed a little
Tyler- no she was very very sick she had to live in the hospital so when she was very young she passed away 20 years ago today actually was her funeral
Charlottes- can we go and visit her daddy what was she like
The nurse walked in to check on Charlotte
Darcie- sorry to disturb I just need to check up on her
Tyler -it's fine
Charlotte- come on daddy tell me what she was like
The nurse darcie done her check up and listen to Tyler
Tyler- she was crazy off her head but she was a laugh she always kept the family together she had a friend called James in the hospital and they would call themselves
Darcie interrupted and finished Tyler sentence
Darcie - the baldy besties
Tyler sat there confused on how the nurse knew not making the connection on who she was
Darcie - grace was my brothers best friend Charlotte when I was your age she use to dress up as princess with me and dance around and she came my tea party's oh and she always made everyone around her happy
Tyler- are you
Darcie - James little sister yes I've grown up it's nice to see you again Tyler say hi to Joel , Henry Darren and sam for me
With that she left the Room and a lot of memories
Charlotte- she's nice I wanna be like my aunty grace she said to me that my daddy should stop dying his hair and that she glad your happy and sorry she wasn't at the wedding
Tyler - did she know did she anything else
Charlotte - that Ryan's a poo poo head and so libby who ever that is
Tyler- it really was your auntie grace wasn't it
Charlotte - that's what she said daddy we talked for. While then she said she had to go but she's always looking over me and the family and she sees me when I pick my nose which I don't
Tyler- it was her I miss her
With that Olivia came in back in and Tyler went out called his brothers and cried remembering his incredible sister and remembered one thing she had said life can change at any moment

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