Chapter 1 the life i once lived

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My names Grace  Fletcher I'm 13 years old I'm the daughter of Stewart and Martha fletcher. I had a twin brother Joel   I also have 4 older brothers Sam 18  Henry 15 Darren 15 and Tyler14 and then me and Joel who were 13 also I have this thing called an anxiety disorder and depression which are both mental illness so I'm not physically ill but I do throw up from stress but my sickness isn't visible apart from the scars left on my wrist a lot of people saw me as a problem but the thing was they weir the problem. It was always hard being in my brothers shadows and wasn't easy to make friends a lot of people picked on me cause of my disorder there was only one place I actually felt like I belonged and that was the community centre this place was my home I was a different person there I was the real me. my family wasn't rich but we're rich with love my mother always said unfortunately my mother walked out of my life a 3 years ago it had been exactly 3 years and today we were meant to meet her and her new husband to be she said in a letter she had a surprised for us off her and her husband and meet him for the first time his name was Dale my brothers didn't know what to say my dad he was strong he was happier without mum but he knew we wouldn't like the surprise but he agreed to it. I had no clue what to expect but I knew it wouldn't be good at all but I had my brothers and that's all I needed in life.

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