~A gift called you~

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 "I have prescribed Min-ji some vitamins to take. It won't harm her, it's really healthy and it will boost up her energy and nutrition. It should also help with her appetite. See how she eats this week and let me know at her appointment what happens. As for her sleeping, let's wait until her followup appointment before I try to prescribe her anything. It's possible that she's just not used to your home yet, which is making it difficult to fall asleep. Children have this mindset where if they are not sleeping where they're used to, they are simply not able to fall asleep out of nervousness and discomfort. This is because of homesickness. When a child is around something for so long, they will become attatched to it and it will be harder for them to break out of that attachment, but definitely not impossible. It will grow out of them through time, depending on what it is, and they will get used it, if you're consistent."(a/n: I have no idea what I was saying lmao bare with my imagination)

"That makes sense. She's definitely staying with me from now on and I'll try my best to make her feel at home." Mark said and Doyoung smiled. "Alright, thank you. I'll be sure to pick up her vitamins on the way home," Mark thanked the doctor. "Of course, if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to call," Doyoung told the other male. "Goodbye Mark, Min-ji," the doctor spoke as Min-ji had just finished her lolipop and stared at him. Doyoung giggled at the cute baby in front of him and waved. "Goodbye, thank you again. I'll see you on Saturday," Mark said and secured his arms around Min-ji before standing up and walking out the door.


Mark sat Min-ji in the shopping cart and pushed it around the store. It was almost noon, and Mark is at the store to buy a few things for Min-ji. He strolled the cart into the baby section. He placed a car seat in the cart and pushed it towards the kids part of the book section. "You can pick a book, Min-ji," Mark said as she lifted her arms and Mark drew her out of the cart and stood her on the ground.

Min-ji waddled over to the rack filled with all types of books. Mark had already grabbed three, one book about colors, one about animals, and the other was a Mickey Mouse coloring book, with crayons attached. Min-ji used both her hands and picked up a book about instruments. She waddled towards Mark and handed him the book. Mark smiled, "Give me your hand Min-ji." Min-ji hesitantly held Mark's hand. He pushed the cart with the other hand and led her towards the toy section. He wants to spoil her with lots of things.


Mark was placing the bags in the trunk and putting together Min-ji's car seat. "Where the heck am I supposed to push the seatbelt through?" Mark asked himself, starting to feel irritated. After a few minutes, Mark finally figured it out and buckled Min-ji in her seat as she held a new stuffed lion toy. Mark had bought her a couple more toys. Mark wants to spoil her and give her everything she deserves.

Mark drove to pick up Min-ji's vitamins and back to his apartment. He took the bags out the car and slid them on his wrists. He unbuckled Min-ji as she raised her arms to be carried. Mark unlocked the front door to his apartment. Stepping inside, he placed Min-ji on the couch and put the bags on the counter. Min-ji removed her shoes and put them on the shoe rack before Mark could help her. "Good job, Min-ji," Mark praised her as he took his own sneakers off. She waddled over to the bathroom and turned around to face Mark. Mark nodded and helped her use the bathroom.

After Mark helped her, he glanced over at the clock on the stove. It was almost three and he needs to start getting ready for his shift at the Music Department before he's late. "Nena, I'm just going to get ready, okay?" The baby pursed her lips together and nodded her head slightly as she reached for the LeapFrog laptop (a/n: I used to love LeapFrogs omg) that Mark bought for her.  Haechan should be there any minute now.

Mark rushed into his room and dressed himself in his uniform shirt, which was just a black short sleeved button up with the Music Department's logo printed on the right side of his chest. He fixed his black hair so that it was covering his forehead, only leaving the tiniest gap noticeable. He tucked his shirt into his pants and strapped a black belt around his waist. He sprayed a couple spritz of his cologne on his neck and slid on his black work shoes.

He scurried out the door to be met with Haechan in the kitchen. "When did you arrive?" Mark asked his best friend, who had a spare key to his apartment. Haechan turned the sink off and dried his hands, "A few minutes ago." He opened a mini container of Min-ji's baby food and stuck a spoon in it. "Min-ji, come eat lunch," Haechan told the baby with a smile.

Min-ji fiddled with her fingers, looking down and back up again before making her way towards Haechan. Mark grabbed his car keys, wallet, and phone, slipping them inside his pockets. He gave his best friend and hug, thanking him again for the millionth time for watching Min-ji. "Bye, bye Min-ji. I'll see you in a little while," Mark told his baby, who was silently eating a spoonful of her food and made his way to the door.

Pushing her food aside, she hurriedly made her way to Mark and circled her arms around his leg. "Min-ji, I'll be back.. I promise," Mark assured his baby, looking at Haechan for help. "Let's finish eating, Min-ji. The quicker daddy leaves, the faster he'll be back, yeah?" Haechan reached out for the baby's arms, which resulted in Min-ji jerking back. Min-ji was on the verge of tears and Mark could feel her shaking on his leg.

"Nena, I have to go to work. I'll be back in a few hours, okay? I promise I'll be right back," Mark spoke calmly and Min-ji raised her arms in which Mark lifted her up. Mark met her face, tears rolling down her cheeks, "Don't cry, Nena. I'll be back, yeah? Daddy will be back in a little while." Min-ji rubbed her eyes with her arm and looked down. Mark flashed a smile and repeated, "I'll be back." Min-ji reluctantly nodded her head and Mark put her down. "Haechan will be here with you. I'll be home soon," Mark waved at the both of them and left.

Mark took a look at the time on his phone and mentally cursed at himself. He's late. Mark rushed to his job. He was ten minutes late, which isn't too bad, but it's not exactly good either. He hastily maneuvered his body inside the building and met with his boss, who had his arms crossed. "You're late," his boss scolded. "Well that's obvious to a duck," Mark thought to himself, internally rolling his eyes.

Mark hung his head low, "I'm sorry, something important came up." His boss clicked his tongue, "Relax, will you?" Mark slowly raised his head in confusion. "I-it won't happen again," Mark stammered. His boss chuckled, "It better not. I'm leaving you off with a warning, since you've never been late before. But don't think that just because I let you off this time, I will next time."  Mark sighed in relief, thanking his boss and headed straight to his shift at the register.



Sorry for any grammatical errors! This is hella cringy sorry XD

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