discontinued. . .

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hey guys its me 

the day came that i decided to drop this book due to lack of motivation and ideas

at this point i didnt really think it through that much 

i plotted the beginning and the ending but i never put much thought on the rest

the least i could do is layout the ending for you guys 

the original ending:

the uppermoons raid into headquarters and theres an intense battle. daki, having been a witch and a former hashira who played giyuu and his heart in the past, headed to attack him. shinobu gets in between and she pushes him onto the floating bridge where he battles the other uppermoons. douma interrupts the battle between the two witches, letting daki escape and fight giyuu. she struggles to defeat douma, but giyuu somehow finds a way to escape the ex-hashira and help shinobu fight douma. they end him and his soul disperses into ashes. the raging demon witch casts her most powerful spell around them, killing off her fellow demon comrades and trapping giyuu and shinobu in a large green forcefield with her. they battle out their powers until shinobu is cornered. daki aims a spell at her which giyuu takes the blow on. he is left with half of his torso gone. he collapses whilst bleeding black blood and slowly regenerating. this ticked shinobu off and her eyes start to glow. a purple butterfly mark glows on her cheek as she approached daki. the demon witch's eyes widen and claims its impossible for any witch to achieve the mark without siding with a demon. shinobu paid no attention to her remarks and charged towards the weakened daki. she tried to keep up with shinobu's newly equipped speed and powers to no avail. she kicks her to the end of the forcefield and it collapses. shinobu casts a spell that blows up the land they were on and killing daki in the process. giyuu and shinobu free fall from the explosion. he slowly regains consciousness as they fall. shinobu fights her way through debris and pulls him towards her. he hugs her with the arm he has left into his chest tightly as they fall down. they tell each other "i love you" with blood running down both of there chins. a bright flash is scene before they hit the ground and they both disappear. 

they both jolt out of their hospital beds yelling each others names. kanae and kanao rushed to shinobu's side and question who that was. apparently when you come back to you physical body, you will only have memories of you and what you did. the people you met in there would have a blurry face in your memories and their names will be forgotten. a week passes after and giyuu decides to take a walk to the canteen of the hospital. shinobu goes to get some canned coffee from the vending machine. they end up in the same hallway and pass each other as the faint ringing of bells were heard when they passed each other. they both stop abruptly as their eyes widen. they slowly turn to each other as they regained their memories. shinobu's eyes teared up as she muttered his name. he acted confused which broke her and made her apologize. she was about to walk away but he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his chest and said "im just kidding" she hugs him back and cries into his chest while he shed a few tears as well. 

you may be asking "i thought their memories would blur out people from the afterlife" well there is the rare occasion when you come across or pass by your soulmate that you could get them back 

the end :>

here r some extras :>

giyuu carries shinobu over his shoulder into work and she whines for him to put him down. him being the CEO and her being his secretary. people glance at them and he says: 

"you're quite the attention seeker."

"put me down giyuu-san. if you don't-"

"if you keep whining, im not giving you hugs and kisses at home."


then she shuts up-

another extra was when the blue moon festival comes and they end up in the forest to watch fireworks later

i honestly planned to base this part off an animatic

i planned for it to be based off of this animatic but they arent in uniforms 

instead shinobu is wearing a kimono and giyuu is wearing a yukata. you can already imagine it

anddd the slightly sad ending:

giyuu and shinobu get married and have kids. years go by and they die. they meet again in the afterlife in their young forms, like they never left the afterlife. they stay there together until their souls are ready to be judged.

so yeah that was it

you might ask me "hey hoshi, why didnt u just do these since u planned it out?"

well ya see, im still going onto the 8th chapter and it wasnt really a good start off and these parts of the story are nearing the ending

i wouldnt want to finish the book so quick with filler chapters always and i couldnt get the vibe to write it anymore

i was simply out of ideas for filler chapters or happenings. i have a new book in mind ever since i stopped thinking about this book

i would just like to apologize for this. probably waiting for my return chapter after my hiatus but only to be greeted with a discontinued part

i've also been a little stressed with school lately since report cards came out and stuff

and theres also my art which i want to improve on 

so i'll be putting a little poll like question on my profile for the next book since i cant choose between the two again

this is really disheartening for me to do but it must be done rather than leave the story on pause and hanging

im so sorry again for ending this book so abruptly into the beginning of its story. just motivation went down the charts and shit so yeah

i hope you guys will continue to support my future books!! thank u guys for staying until the end of this book and for the support i got on it!!

hoshi out! 

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