Chapter 2: Where?

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"Ugh. What a bother..." The man said as he placed Shinobu down onto her bed "I hate being a reaper." He remarked before disappearing into the night


"Koc... san"

"Kochou- san?" A voice called. Shinobu slowly opened her eyes as she squinted from the bright light "Oh. Thank God that you're awake." The woman said. Shinobu looked at her strangely 'She has... wings?' She thought as she observed the woman "Hello? Kochou- san?" Shinobu looked up to be met with blue orbs "Ugh. My head hurts..." She groaned as she sat up "Huh?" Her eyes widened as she checked for her wounds "What?! Where are my injuries?! I was hit by a... car." She trailed off as she noticed what she was wearing. A vintage long sleeved dress that reached her knees. The waist down was puffed up a bit as the hem of the dress had white lace. A detachable collar on her neck to support the pendant lined with gold as a red ruby stuck in the middle. She looked around the room as it looked like a hotel "Where am I? Why am I in this dress? Who are you and why are you here?" Shinobu shot questions at the girl as she cleared her throat. She fixed her bangs and pigtails before speaking "I'll answer your questions in a proper order." She started "I am Kanzaki Aoi. I'm here because it was orders from Headquarters fro me to attend to the newly transferred souls. I'm not the reaper so I can't really bring you into judgement." The woman named Aoi said "Next questions. You are here because your physical body is in a comma or your soul is waiting to be judged. This will be your house while you stay here. I have no idea either why you're in that dress, but it comes with this so I'm presuming you were chosen to be a witch." Aoi said before showing Shinobu the hat that came with her dress. It was a raven black witch hat with a red ribbon wrapped above it's brim and a yellow butterfly charm by it's side. Shinobu blinked for a while before taking it in hand "I'm dreaming right?" She asked as Aoi hesitantly shook her head "Am I dead?" Shinobu asked. Aoi shook her head once again "I checked your information list and your physical body is still alive, but unconscious." The blue eyed woman explained as Shinobu hesitantly nodded "Right. How will I know if my physical body dies?" She blurted out of curiosity. Aoi sighed before looking at her "A mark will appear on the parts where you've been injured." She said before showing her the mark on her neck. It was a light blue imprint of a flame "I was murdered on a date with my boyfriend." Aoi sadly said as Shinobu frowned in pity of her "I-I'm sorry." She said as a guy walked in "Oh. She's awake. Isn't your job done yet? I'm hungry." The guy said. He had gradient blue hair that reached above his shoulders. He had blue ears on top of his head and a tail that swung behind him. His unbuttoned shirt showed his toned upper body. Along with that was a trail of blue hooves on his chest and one big one in the middle of his abdomen "Just wait. You're so impatient, Inosuke." Aoi said before crossing her arms around her chest. Shinobu looked at the guy named Inosuke and back at Aoi "Unfortunately, he's my boyfriend." She started "We were attacked on our date. He died trying to protect me." She finished as she pointed to the mark on his torso.

"And you should be thankful to the great Inosuke- sama!" He pointed at himself with his thumb. Aoi pulled him by his ear "I think we should take our leave, Kochou- san. You can ask your new neighbor for more details. She woke up a few days prior to you." She waved before exiting the house while scolding her boyfriend "Quite the couple they are." Shinobu remarked before sitting up "This life could be better than the one down there I guess." She smiled to herself before noticing a black envelope on her side table. She reached for it as she removed the gold wax seal closing it. A letter and a folder within it's paper walls.

"Dear Ms. Kochou Shinobu,

Welcome to the Afterlife! I hope this letter meets you well. Money and rations may be a question in your mind right now. Here in the afterlife, we work different jobs depending on the creature you have been chosen to portray. I have given you the opportunity to be a witch because of your skills in medicine. There is a clinic by Kokumajutsu Street under your name and facilitation. Enjoy your stay!

Lovers In The Afterlife // giyushino: discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now