Chapter 7: First Mission

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"Shinobu- chan! Wake up!" Mitsuri said as she shook the sleeping latter who shifted on the bed "Mitsuri- chan?.. What?-" "Get ready! We'll be late to work!" The nine tailed fox rushed as she pulled Shinobu out of her bed and pushed her into the bathroom. She blinked before banging on the door "What time is it?!" She asked as she heard hurried footsteps "7:45! Tomioka- san will wait for you until 8:10!" Mitsuri started "He'll get you an excuse for now! Now hurry and shower!" Was the last thing she said before Shinobu hastily showered. The obvious rush in her actions made her drop some things whilst getting ready. The nine tailed fox watched the with rush around her house with a towel, to an unbuttoned blouse with nothing else but her undergarments, to a black overall skirt over her figure "Shinobu- chan, I'll be leaving! I have an early duty!" Mitsuri started as she pulled her jacket on "W-Wait! Who will accompany me to the porta-" Shinobu tripped down before getting up and grabbing a piece of toast the fox prepared from a plate on the table. She grabbed her things and shoved her feet into her boots before swiftly tying them. She opened her door with her head down and turned to lock it. The moment she backed away from her door, she pushed up into a hard chest "Tomioka- san will." Mitsuri answered before saluting at her and hopping off to work "Morning." He greeted as she moved away from him with a blush on her face "D-Don't appear out of the blue like that, Creep!" She stated as he tilted his head at her in confusion with a dead expression. The witch shook her head and sighed before looking up at him and motioning her hand as her broom landed into her palm "Let's get going then." Shinobu said as she hopped onto her broom that levitated over the ground "What are you waiting for? Sit." She pointed to the space she left behind her. Giyuu blinked at her for a moment before following suit. She gripped onto her broom before zooming off "This is probably your first time riding on a broom, Tomioka- san!" She stated with a smile. He answered her with silence before a vein popped on her forehead "You better hold on tight or I'll knock you off-" She cut herself off as she stared wide eyed. He was just sitting there with his back facing her. His hands rested peacefully on his lap "Are you insane?! You'll fall off if you don't hold on!" She exclaimed as he slightly turned his head to her "And we'll crash into things if you don't look where you're flying." He pointed as she immediately looked in front and gasped at the sudden building in front. She pointed her broom upwards as they flew up "We're going to Headquarters." Shinobu pointed out as he nudged her arm "We're going to the portal." Giyuu said plainly before grabbing both her hands and lifting her above the air and into the space he formerly sat in. He took control of the broom as she clung to his coat and her hat "What the fu-UCK!" She screamed as he suddenly sped up. She wrapped her arms around his torso, holding on for dear life. The witch buried her face into his back while her hands trembled 'So she isn't used to this kind of flying yet.' He thought before gently placing her hand on top of hers and slowing down a bit "I'm sorry. We have a job to do." He explained before the sudden change in the environment and atmosphere caught his attention.

"We're here." He stated before removing her hands from around him and jumping off "Tomioka- san!" She exclaimed as she watched him fall. The sudden blue flash blinded her for a moment before a huge crow started soaring down at an easy pace 'Transformation.' She thought before scoffing "This guy..." She raged as she stuck a clean landing onto the ground with her hat landing softly on top of her head again "You're slow." He said before walking off. Shinobu clenched her fist while she smiled and followed behind him. A few minutes later, she calmed down while they walked through a red forest of some sort with lava cracks in the ground and strange fires on top of the trees that didn't seem to burn "What exactly is our business here?" She asked him as they continued to walk. He sighed before holding onto the handle of his scythe. The chains rattling along with each step he took "We have reports of the lava demon emerging from the depths again. The local folks that come her for resources needed in their line of work have been attacked. They reported to Headquarters and Oyakata- sama thought this would be a great first mission for you." Giyuu started as they came to this lake with blood colored water "Also why he partnered me with you. As a guide." He stated before unsheathing his scythe and holding the blade up against his wrist "What are you doing?" Shinobu asked as he didn't hesitate a slit a gash onto his arm whilst letting his blood drip down into the water. His blood faded from crimson red to black. She blinked and furrowed her brows, contemplating whether she should be concerned or not. He slid his scythe back and took a deep breath before his wound started emitting black smoke until it completely closed like he did nothing. Giyuu dipped his hand into the water before chanting "Cæcitas ex sanguine." He said before his eyes glowed for a split second. The reaper stood up again and wiped his wet hand on his coat "What did that do-" Her question was answered when the area he dripped his blood into started bubbling before it created a thick black muck that started to spread across the lake. It dried up into a hard black material when it reached the other end "Let's go." Giyuu said as he made his way across it. She blinked repeatedly at his distancing figure before hesitantly following across the makeshift bridge. 

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