Chapter 4: The Reaper's Taking

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It would be hours before his taking. He silently watched her practice her spells from the shadows by her window. It was still the witching hour, 3:24, to be exact. Giyuu was used to being sleep deprived. It came with the job of being a reaper "So I don't necessarily need a wand? Guess I'll practice then." Shinobu said as she put her wand on her desk and rubbed her hands together. She wanted to start of simple, something not so complicated. As she came up with something, she raised her three of her fingers up, a sign of The Holy Trinity despite using black magic "Supernatet." She chanted before swaying her hand to the left as all the books on her bookshelf flew across the room. Shinobu blinked in surprise "Woah..." She muttered. She chanted it once again as she guided them back to the bookshelf as if they were untouched "I have no idea this was how this works." She said with a smile before sitting by her desk "Right, I still need to make that spirit sensing potion." She grabbed the ingredients before a certain bullet caught her eye "A crow's feather?" Shinobu looked through her drawers, but found nothing "Guess I can't... get this done..." She trailed off as she gazed upon a single black quill on her floor beside the window. She scoffed before picking it up "Thanks, I guess." She sat back down and gathered up the materials. She grounded the petals of a Red Spider Lily before adding three small drops of demon tears. It caused the grounded petals to bubble into a liquid substance. She sprinkled some sage ashes into the mix before stirring it. She slowly watched the color change from a scarlet red to a bright spring green. She then grabbed the feather and dipped it in. At this point it's supposed to burn up and melt into the mixture, but it didn't. Shinobu furrowed her eyebrows before dipping it in deeper, nothing. She scanned through her book "You mustn't use the feather from the reaper's crow. It never burns into the mixture and when forced, the toxic smoke will make you... unconscious..." She slurred as black smoke came from the feather. Unfortunately, she inhaled it as her vision went blurry. She was about to collapse to the ground, but "You burdensome, Witch. Read the whole thing." Giyuu muttered as he caught her. He carried her to her bed before tucking her in. He then pulled his coat off before looking at her book "You can only use my crow's feather with my permission." He said to himself before plucking one from his crow. He threw it into the mix as it melted "Reaper's blood." Giyuu scoffed as he searched through her bottles and vials for the ingredient, she was all out. He grabbed his scythe before slicing his palm and squeezing it into a fist as his blood dropped into the bowl. The potion gave a poof before it's color shifted into a deep violet. He looked at his palm as the wound healed up quickly upon his chanting "You owe me this." He whispered before leaping out of the window and into the night.

Shinobu woke up frantic with many questions in mind "How the fuck did I get in bed?!" was one of them. Her voice was probably heard up to heaven. She pulled the sheets off as she glanced around her desk. Everything was neatly placed in order. The mess she made was no longer there and the potion she was making was cleanly placed in a round bottom flask with a red string tied by the cork screw. A neat black card printed with the cursive of 'Spirit Sensing' written in red. She furrowed her brows as she never recalled finishing it nor did she put that label. She sniffed the air of her room before her eyes widened "Someone was here..." Shinobu trailed off as she glanced around her room "The smell of death..." She muttered before walking out to make sure no one was there with her. Once she calmed down herself, she got ready for work. It was a new normal for her, she learned a lot of things despite it only being a month. She flew off into the semi-dark sky whilst clutching her hat. She looked down at her store to see Gotou about to open up, but "Hey! You sell those love potions here right?" Some random guy asked as he approached the young ashimagari stuttered as he shook his head "Quit lying, Punk! Where's the witch?" The guy asked before slamming his fist on the wall nearby "Witch speaking." Shinobu said as she slightly descended on her broom, hovering over the ground. She rested her chin on her hand as she blinked at the guy "You know you just destroyed part of my property. That'll cost you." She pointed at the cracked wall as the guy clicked his tongue "Shut it. I need a love potion." He bluntly demanded as he faced her. She sat up properly and crossed her legs while resting both her palms on her broom "That potion isn't a toy. It costs a lot." She stated as he tried to come close to her, but she swished her hand and he stopped in place "Not a step closer, Scumbag." Shinobu said with a dark glare despite the smile on her face "How much?" He asked as she giggled and gave him an are-you-serious- look. She hummed while in thought "By the ingredients it uses and it's hazardous use... 180,000 yen." She said while checking the tips of her nails with an arm across her chest "The fuck?! You're overpricing me, you little bitch!" He yelled before pounding his hands on his chest and fire lined his arms. His eyes filled with red. He charged at Shinobu as she yawned "It's too early for this." She muttered before grabbing her wand and pointing it at him "Hos abolere flammae." She said as his flames died out and he looked in concern. She then swished her wand and pointed it to the far end wall. He followed as he crashed into the concrete and fell unconscious. She got off her broom and fixed the cuffs of her sleeves. She placed her hands on the door before chanting "Praesidio quod terra." She mumbled as a loud vibration was heard before silence "Let's go, Gotou- san." She called lightly as he nodded and carefully followed her. They resumed their regular work.

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