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Without giving any further explanation to either Dave or the other twenty people who saw Silver sitting on the floor, scared, she left the building. Going down the stairs she left a quick text to Dave telling him that she wasn't well and she'll see him tomorrow.

Silver had no where to go. She knew Candice would be home, waiting for her friend to get home. She wasn't in the mood to talk or deal with people at that point of time.

She left her car in her office parking lot and took the subway to spend some time by herself. Silver found a seat beside an old lady. She was wearing a floral purple woollen sweater with black loose pants. The white hair looked like curled up outline of a cloud.

"Hello, dear." the lady said.

Silver managed to keep up with her by giving a half- hearted smile.

Silver got lost in the noise of people going in and out, talking, mumbling something among themselves. She rested her back against the cold seat and closed her eyes.

"Is something wrong dear? You look tensed." the lady asked, putting her hand on Silver's.

Silver opened her eyes and watched the lady. The wrinkles on the lady's face popped up as her lips moved.

"I'm fine. I-I-I think. I'm not really in the mood to talk. Sorry..." Silver pulled her hand.

"I know, but you can talk if you'd like. You look in trouble, and I don't like to watch people who are in trouble. It's going to be okay, dear. Have faith. It's going to be alright."

Silver felt the tension slowly leaving her body. Hearing the words of the lady made her relaxed somehow. She leaned back and closed her eyes again. "Back in my office, I saw someone. Actually, I heard someone. I think I recognise his voice, but it can't be him because Aaron left like six years ago, and- and he can't be here. I think it's happening because I miss him. I thought I didn't, but now when I think about it, it could be true. I thought I was over him, that I moved on. I don't even know where Aaron is right now."

"Who's Aaron?" Silver heard a male voice.

Silver opened her eyes. She was surprised to see Red sitting in place of the old lady. Silver moved her gaze towards the exit gate and saw her getting off the subway.

"What are you doing here?" She asked Red.

Red was wearing a dark red plain T-shirt. His T-shirt and ripped denims had yellow paint spots in a pattern. It was difficult to figure out whether it was a design or just paint.

"I'm travelling, I guess." he replied with a hint of mockery in his tone.

"And, what happened to your clothes? Were you drinking paint?"

"It's my style. I like to do experiments with my clothes. You know, set myself apart." he tilt his head to his left.

"Like you need clothes to set yourself apart. Just open your mouth and start talking, and people will know you are different."

"Blah- blah. You win, okay? Now, tell me who is Aaron? He is some guy you dating, Silver?" He raised his eyebrow in a playful manner.

"How much did you hear?"

"I don't even know where is Aaron right now." Red yawned, stretching is fingers.

"He is my ex-boyfriend. We dated in college, but then he sort of left."

"Left, why?"

Silver couldn't see Red eye to eye anymore. "I don't have to tell you that."


"Hey, why didn't you tell me that you are a writer, too?" Silver was happy to be able to come up with another topic to talk about.

Red opened his mouth and paused. "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I didn't. I don't know it feels weird to say, 'Hey, I'm a writer.'

"That reminds me I have something that belongs to you." Silver opened her purse and took out the pendrive.

"Where did you get this?" He asked, looking at his pendrive.

"Jordy found it in the store. You must have dropped it," she said, handing over the drive to Red. "You are a wonderful writer, T. Clifton. I read your book and it was beautiful. Is it really true what you wrote in your book?"

He looked hesitant. "Kind of. I prefer to put a part of my real life into fiction to give it depth."

"You are not so shallow after all, and now that I love your story I can't hate you."

"You hated me before?" Red asked, putting the drive into his pocket.

"You can say that. I wanted to call you about the show, but I wasn't​ sure."

Red slid slightly towards Silver. "I really wanted to help you before and I can still help you. I have talked to my friend and he has agreed."

"I need one more. Can you do that? It'll be great. You are a wonderful writer. It'll be good for you, too." Silver sounded hopeful.

"I'm not a camera type of person. I'm camera shy."

"I'll help you. It's not that difficult. You will already know what you have to say on camera. My friend Dave can help you. He has no self respect and he isn't shy like at all." She laughed.

"Okay, we'll see. Give me a call."

They both sat in silence for a few minutes, looking straight. The sound of water ringed in Silver's ears. Suddenly, she felt cold.

"It's raining." she muttered.

"Yup." Red said.

"It's​ raining. It's really raining." Silver looked up, glancing the advertisements taped on the upper part of the subway.

"It is raining. My phone said so, why? Anything wrong?" Red couldn't hide his curiousness.

"No, it's just. The sound of rain..."

"What sound?" Red asked.

"Silver, you like the rain, don't you?" The same voice Silver heard back in the officer came once again.

"Silver, you okay? You look pale." Red shook her shoulder.

"I have to go. I have to get off. I'm sorry." She got up and ran towards the door.

"Wait, what's wrong?" Red went behind her, hoping to caught her, but she was already gone.

"What happened to her?" Red thought.

A/N: The voice is following Silver everywhere, but why?

The Horrific Tale of Silver ✖Where stories live. Discover now