Turn- 2

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"Can you please stop saying the word 'Deadline?' I'm still fragile, Dave." Silver put her head down and sighed.

Silver sat in her cubicle, waiting for her boss Tracy to come out of the recording room. In the meantime, Dave, her colleague kept hitting her with the tip of his pen, scribbling the word 'SCREWED' on her arm.

"You can sigh all you want, but it ain't gonna make things happen on their own, Silver. Buck up. You can still make it, I think." Dave did his best to sound encouraging.

Silver looked outside through her cubicle. Everybody was busy doing something. She could hear the sound of the keyboard coming from a computer adjacent to hers.

She then moved her eyes to see Dave still drawing on her arm. She beat her hand against the desk to make him stop. "Stop doing that! Are you crazy? Tracy is going to be out any minute now, I don't want her to see how screwed I'm right now."

Dave rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, revealing his flexed arms. He brought the rolling chair closer to her desk. He was constantly checking his appearance on Silver's laptop screen, admiring his newly dyed dark warm brown hair.

"You have no idea how stupid you are looking right now, Dave. You look Goddamn stupid. Why the hell did you dye your hair?" Silver commented​, messing Dave's hair.

Dave moved his head back. "Whoa! Lady. Back away from me. It's not stupid, and you know it. I don't care if you like it or not as long as Tracy does."

"What are you saying? Did she say something to you?"

Dave let a hand through his hair. "Yup, she complimented me in the morning. She loves it."

Silver nodded her head sideways in frustration. "I can't believe it. You are such a bad person. You do nothing, and somehow she still likes you, and- and on the other hand I have been working here for the past two and a half years trying to get a permanent job, but who cares!"

"You are so dramatic," Dave mimicked Silver's voice. "I'm Silver and my life is a mess. My life is good sometimes because I have Dave. He is so smart and adorable. I want to kiss him."

Dave moved his fingers together and brought them closer to her face. "Thanks for being there, Dave. Thank you so much."

"We need help, Dave. We don't have much time. If I-I we don't get an artist for the show by the end of this week, then we are screwed. I don't wanna loose this job."

Dave stared at the ceiling. "Well, technically it's you who needs help. It's you who needs to get an artist on board for the show and it's you who is going to be screwed if YOU don't get the assigned work done. I'm so talented I can always get a new job."

Silver took the pen from Dave and pressed it against his chest. "You are pathetic."

"That reminds me I'm hungry. I haven't had anything since 1."

"It's 1.25."

"You don't look at things the same way I do."

"The only things you look at are food and girls."

A wide smile appeared on Dave's face. "See, that's what I'm talking about. It's all about perception."

Silver massaged her head with her hands. "We need to get it done till the end of this week. How am I ever going to find an artist for the show? It's not like I can buy them in a store. This way Tracy is never going to take me the lead, and I need it. This is my one and only chance."

Dave spinned on the chair.  "Well you can always refer to the woman I talk to, but she doesn't exist."

"What a great thing to hear!" a familiar, sharp female voice came.

Silver and Dave rose their head to see Tracy leaning on the edge of Silver's desk. She was wearing a blue pant suit and black stilettos. Her hair was tied in a loose braid.

"Hey, Tracy. What up!" a fake smile popped on Dave's face.

"You two always waste time talking about things that doesn't makes sense," Tracy put her left hand on her waist. "Unlike you two, some people here actually knows how to do their jobs. Silvia, you need to stop complaining if you want to get a permanent job here. Just do what you have been asked to do."

Tracy shifted her gaze towards Dave. "And, my dear Dave! Get back to your desk and type that bloody report I asked for yesterday. I need a hard copy of it by 3."

"Tracy, wait..." Silver trailed off.

Before Silver could say anything Tracy turned on her heels and headed back to the production room. Silver ran behind her, trying to keep up with Tracy. "I need to talk to you, Tracy."

Not slowing down, Tracy said. "You have a fifty seconds before I go inside. Speak now."

Silver made sure that she was at least two inches away from the cubicles to avoid bumping into anything or anyone. "You said I could take the lead on new artists show. I can do it," Tracy stared at her from the corner of her eye. "I think I can do it," Silver continued. "Just give me a chance. You won't be disappointed, I promise you."

Tracy stopped in front of the big brown door leading to the production room. She put her hand on the handle, ready to walk in. "Look, Silvia."

"It's Silver."

"You are fine at what you do, okay? I can give you a chance, but you need to do more than what you have usually doing. We need six artists every month. We already have four, if you can find the other two then maybe I can put in a good word for you. You have end of this week."

"But how am I going to get it done? I don't have much time."

Tracy tucked her hair behind. "If you are serious enough for your work, you'll find a way to do it, Selena." Tracy said and went inside the room.

Silver went back to her desk.

Dave was still sitting on Silver's desk.
"Did the witch used her magic on you again?" Dave asked.

Silver took a deep breath. "I have to find two artists by Sunday or else I'm doomed."

Dave put his hand on her shoulder. "At least she is close enough to call you from your real name, Silvia."

"She called me Selena."

They both laughed at the mention of the name 'Selena'.

"She is getting closer," Dave said.

Silver's phone vibrated on her desk. She reached for her phone and saw another text from Candice.

"Not againnnn." she hissed.

"What is it?"

"Candice wants me to pick her sister's neighbour kid from some book store."

"Okay? That sounds reasonable, but why? Do you even know her sister?" Dave asked.

"I have met Cassandra a few times. She lives near my house with her husband. Apparently, Cassandra promised her neighbour that she is going to pick up her daughter for a week while she was busy with her new job. And, now Cassandra is on a three day holiday, and because of that I'm stuck."

Dave nodded. "And, that's why Candice is my favourite."

"You are saying this because you two dated for like a month."


"Don't​ say anything, please. I have to pick the kid at 4."

Dave raised his thumbs. "All the best."

A/N: A TURN is waiting for Silver at the book store.

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