Another Host Likes You

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Takashi Morinozuka(Mori)- you were in the club casually sitting with Huni while he was taking a break from guests. He was eating cake, your favorite type of cake. "Huni is there another piece of that"? You asked eye balling it, Mitsukuni knew what he was doing.

"Oh no this was the last one isn't it your favorite"? He asked knowingly.

"Yes, I'll get you a new piece if I can have that one". You begged.

"I'll give it to you! For a price"! He smirked confusing you. "Just a little kiss". He turned his cheek expectantly and Mori lifted him from his seat. He put him on the floor and assumed his position across from you. Mori grabbed the fork and offered a piece of the cake it to you.

"Say ah". He smiled slightly. You accepted the bite and Huni pouted.

"(Y/n) can I sit with you"? Huni asked catching you off guard.

"No Mitsukuni". Mori warned vocally. "(Y/n), come over here". You stood up unsure of what was going on. Mori pulled you to sit in his lap making you blush. He kissed your cheek and you kept eating the cake. Huni glared and sank into the seat opposite of you. "Huni stop". Was all Mori said and it finally hit you that Huni was being jealous and trying to use his Lolita ways to get close to you.

Haruhi Fujiyoka- you were walking arm in arm with her at school, where everyone assumed that she was a dude. You kissed her on the cheek and Kaoru approached you. "Hey (Y/n) what's up"? He smirked. Haruhi kissed you on the cheek before heading to talk to Kyoya.

"Bye. My sweet". She smiled. You turned you attention the Kaoru who looked annoyed.

"Sorry Kao". You smiled like an idiot, you were so happy. "That's my girlfriend". You chuckled.

"Lucky her". He sighed.

"Oh Kaoru". You blushed looking up at him.

"No I know it's fine"! He assured you. "I think you're an amazing person, but a good friend first". He smiled patting your head. You were touched.

"Awe Kao, I think you're a good friend too". You told him and hugging him.

Hikaru sandwhiched Kaoru on the other side of him and you let out an "oof".

"Quit trying to be a Casanova bro we have guests"! Hikaru informed his brother leading him away. You didn't really know how to process what just happen.

Hikaru Hitachiin- you were cuddling and Tamaki scooted up next to you both. "It's cold in here isn't it"? He asked. "Here take this". Tamaki tried offering you his coat.

"I'm ok! I'll live". You laughed snuggling right up to Hikaru.

Kaoru Hitachiin- you were sitting in class and Tamaki came up behind you. "Hello (y/n), how was class"? He smiled.

"Not started yet you're going to be late for your class though". You chuckled, you always refused to entertain his antics. You reached forward to where Kaoru was sitting you pulled on the back of his jacket and he whipped around. He glared at Tamaki and stood up.

"You belong in your classroom senpai". He spat. Tamaki retreated admitting defeat. Kaoru kissed your forehead before class officially started. While you were working in class he came up to you and took your hand. "Are you ok"? He asked hugging you.

"Yeah he's just annoying! Thank you though Kaoru"! You smiled sneaking a kiss on the cheek past the teacher.

Kyoya Ootori- you were being stalked by the twins. At the Host's ball you were socializing with guests and they swooped you away suddenly when a song came on. "Hika! Hi shouldn't you be dancing with a guest"? You asked awkwardly.

"Aren't you a guest"? He smiled. He was a gentleman but you kept catching Kyoya out of the corner of your eye, you wondered why he hadn't swooped in yet. A faster song started and you realized why. Huni and Mori started break dancing. Kyoya came up behind you and put his hands on your waist.

"Sorry to keep you my love". He smiled kissing your cheek. "Would you like to retreat to the corner of the room where I can look dignified and you'll be left alone"? He asked smiling.

"By the twins yes". You smirked taking Kyoya's hand. He glided holding your hand and keeping a hand on your waist. You sat at his table in the corner and watched everyone dancing.

"Would you care to dance"? Kaoru popped out of no where asking. You gripped Kyoya's hand and a smirk crept across his face.

"I'm ok, Kyoya and I were just about to go". You smiled pulling Kyoya from his seat to dance with you.

Tamaki Suoh- "hello (Y/n) you look lovely today". Kyoya Ootori greeted genuinely.

"Thank you Ootori". You smiled. You looked around for Tamaki who was suddenly no where to be found. You sat on the table behind you trying to plot an escape from his advances. Suddenly Tamaki came up behind you and much to your surprise. He kissed your neck and gripped your waist.

"Homosexual supporting cast". Tamaki growled at Kyoya.

Ritsu Kasanoda- Tamaki had a thing for you since day 1 as a regular at the host club (to see Haruhi) he was unavoidable. Sitting with Ritsu and Haruhi when Tamaki came over. He sat right in front of you and put his head on your lap as if to woo you somehow. You pushed him off and Ritsu slapped him across the face. "Watch it with my girlfriend perv"! Ritsu growled.

"She didn't seem to mind-". You slapped Tamaki across the face next.

"I did! I shoved you away jerk I belong to no one, but I like Ritsu way more than I like you"! You scolded Tamaki before grabbing Ritsu's hand and pulling him away from the scene. Back out in the garden you headed towards the maze. "Come on let's get lost for a while". Ritsu grabbed you by the waist and held you.

"Perfection". He sighed. You giggled kissing his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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