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Hi guys! Here is my first work I hope you guys will like it!!!


Zeng Keni

"I FUCKING LOVE YOU YUYAN" I confess my feelings through the thin air that slapped my face, I must admit it feels great when I shouted my heart out and you know what's greater? there is no one to hear me nor judge me, or so I thought.

"I know" i slowly turned my head and praying that it not someone I'm thinking about, but the fate decided to kick me a little and now I really am screwed.

Her mouth is about to open and say something so, I have to think fast as I could but even my brain won't cooperate with me, It just went blank so I just closed my eyes and hoped for the worst.

"I've been waiting for you to say it, you know, took you long enough"

huh? Wait am I hearing things right now?


" Have you thought of us being away with eachother?" She whispered as she play with my hair.

"No, I've never." I simply said as I slowly look up.

Yeah, we've been together since our highschool days. It's been 4 years, and in those years we've shared laughter and even our worst moments.

"Why? Are you leaving me?" I jokingly said, I got up and look at her expression and hoping she would laugh too but no, she flinched.

"Yu Yan..." I reach for her hands and cupped it on my cheeks to feel the warmth of her palm.

"You're joking right?" I chuckled bitterly, My voice cracked as I bit my lower lip to prevent my tears from falling.

She move her hands away from my face 'no, don't leave' I thought to myself, I shut my eyes and lowered my head so she won't see my tears falling down, in my surprise she pinch my cheeks and laugh.

"You should have seen your face crying" she laughs again wiping my tears this time, she showed me her trapezoid smile, the one that always capture my heart.

"of course I'll stay by your side" she pause before opening her mouth again to talk

"and I'll make sure to stay by your side forever, I'm just messing with you, I won't leave you just like that" now she kisses my forehead, god I don't know what to do without her.

"Stop crying you look like kid" she chuckled " you know that I love you too much and I can't do such thing" she hugged me and kiss my forehead again to reassure me once more.

"Let's go back to sleep okay?" She said, we lay back from our previous position earlier as she pat my back making sure I calmed down.

"Don't leave me okay?" I said hugging her harder and burrying my face into her body even more "hmm" she responded, as I heard that I drifted into deep sleep.


"Why does destiny keep playing with my little heart again and again and again" I said almost whispering and chug the beer on my right hands.

I lean back from my chair, I've been chilling out here at our roof getting lost on my thoughts while mesmerising the city lights from afar.

"You know keni drinking won't solve a thing" I sigh as I heard her once again nagging words toward me, so I cut her off.

"You know lingzi nagging won't solve a thing either" now she snatch my beer and pour it "hey, I'm still drinking it" I pouted, crossed my hands, and lean back again.

Liu Lingzi and I were friends since our highschool day she help me through my study and always pushes me to confess my love towards....her.

"Why don't you just look for her, I mean she won't leave you just like that without any reason right?" I sigh once again, here we go again with that bullshit.

"Then she shouldn't have just disappear like that" I answer sarcastically "she promised me to stay by my side you know" my voice cracked and bit my lower lip to prevent my self crying.

"She proposed to me for goodness sake!" I managed to said before tearing up completely, lingzi patted my back to comfort me and she also reassure me that everything will be okay.

"I'll call Sun Rui and others to come here, let's get wasted shall we?" She said I hummed as she tried to dial each and everyone of them saying that we'll party at my house to forget all the problems.


Hello every one I hope you liked the first chapter today is 02-25-21 and I actually started planning this last year 2020 but that's the worst year and you know the online classes began

Today is the day Yu Yan shows her new hair cut and colour it blonde lol she nailed it, I mean she's insanely attractive

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