18- You are the reason

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Yu Yan's Pov

"What the fuck are you thinking huh?"  my father slammed both of his hands at the wood table causing me to flinch, we are currently at the study room  which is very far away from the dining table where everyone is eating "You're really getting on my nerve you little brat" he said as he stand up from his chair, I stepped back a little but I stop when my father shouted "halt you maggot!" as he gets closer, my whole body is shaking relentlessly "You think I accepted you as a dyke?"  He's now standing in front of me but I can't look up at his face "I arrange that marriage for you to stop dating those street whores!  What do you want more? you already have a fucking wife that is a lawyer, a loving daughter! and now you want to throw it all away!?"  I already saw this coming, It's really miracle that he haven't land a single touch against my skin 

"But dad I-" I haven't finish my sentence and there is, a pair of big hands that slaps across my face, I spoke too soon "I didn't permit you to talk! and it was SIR not DAD"  I can taste a blood at the corner of my lip, I clenched my jaw for a bit before talking again "Sir it was decided by both party, we are not married yet and we both think that it's better to call it of before the weddin-"  I received another slap from him "don't ever talk about nonsense infront of my face nor Diamond's parents if you don't want to be sent back at the military camp" a knock saved me from getting slap again "Yan Yan your food is getting colder" thank god it's Diamond, it would be a bigger mess if my mom saw me with bruises  "Don't test me brat I will do it!" he whispered to me before opening the door and going out, Diamond bowed and peak in my direction, her eyes widen and ran into me

"Oh my god Yuyan are you okay"  and that's where I collapsed, finally I'll be able to ease my body, she's cares my face but not a single tear shed, I hold her hands that's on my cheeks checking if it's okay and rested my face there on her hands, I closed my eyes "Thank you for coming" I said and open my eyes again, I really am grateful because if she happen to come a little sooner I might be laying down on the floor and spitting blood "come on let's get you treated first before eating okay?"  she said and we went to my room, she reached for the kit that is on the top of the shelf "sigh next time let's talk to him together okay?" she said wiping blood stain off my busted lips "ahh" I whine when she added an ointment how come it stings "don't touch it, stop acting like a baby it's only an ointment" she said chuckling "it really hurts don't underestimate the power of ointment" "dork, come on it's all done, let's go down?" she said, kisses my lips, and holds my hands going down. 

It was soft and gentle, SHE is soft and gentle to me.

Dia Meng's Pov

we are eating dinner when Yuyan mention cancelling our marriage, her father didn't let her continue what she was about to say and send her somewhere called 'study room' Yuyan immediately obeyed his order, after she leaves her father apologize to nonsense she talked about and excuse himself, when he turned around his face changed into emotionless tyrant, my parents and her mom thought their just gonna talk about it, but I know the fact that Mr. Yu can be a bit of brutal and I am already feeling uneasy about this little talk

Minutes had passed already but they're not back yet, I'm starting to get worry about what might happen to Yuyan "Diamond my dear, do you mind fetching Yuyan and her father? the food is getting cold"  finally someone give me the reason to arise from my seat "that would be a no problem Mrs. Yu what room should I be looking for?" I ask while squeezing a smile "It's on the very last room just turn to the right after the stairs maybe you'll pass by 4-5 doors first" I said okay and get going, once I turned to the right where they can see nor hear anything I sprinted to the very last room and slowly turn the knob but it's locked, so I listened first and as soon as my ears made contact at the wooden door a muffled sound off slap is the first thing I heard, a few words like "talking  nonsense" and "military camp" I don't know whether I heard it wrong but I knocked saying the food is getting cold

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