33- 5 Years After

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Zhao Xiaotang's Pov

"Hello? Xiaotang! why'd you call" Sunrui answered her phone "Gosh what took you so long to answer?" I asked her, she seems as happy as before. It's been 5 years since Yuyan left us, wait why does that sound so wrong? 

"well Sunny has been crying, so I need to aid him" she answered me while Sunny is whining in the background. All of us are married in that period of time, It's sad that she didn't witness me and our friend tie a knot with our loved one. Her charity is going well too, she helped many kids achieve their dreams. 

"Just leave your kid to your wife Sunrui, we need to talk right now," I said as I sort out some of the files at my desk "Where is Keni anyways, let her take care of him for a bit" I demanded her

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"Just leave your kid to your wife Sunrui, we need to talk right now," I said as I sort out some of the files at my desk "Where is Keni anyways, let her take care of him for a bit" I demanded her. She and Keni got married after 3 years of being blind, soon after they got married they produce a healthy baby boy who is now a year and half years old. 

"No, fuck off Xiaotang just say it now, Keni is sleeping after being an all-nighter"  I sigh this bitch, does being a parent makes you more grumpy? "Okay I'll say it straight then, Shuxin and I will throw a get-together party" "What really? When? I'll contact the other to help you" I looked at the calendar "this coming Saturday, just bring the kid. Don't worry I'll contact the rest enjoy being daddy Sunrui" I said and laugh at her before hanging up the call.

Now, who do we have next in line "hmm" I traced my finger down the list of friends AHA!  I quickly dialed her number "Xu Jiaqi, my friend! How is life being a wolf huh" I teased her, she and Shaking confessed to each other. How is Xinwen if you asked well, I was surprised that Xu Xinwen is engaged to her so-called assistant Zuo Zhuo.

"What do you want?" wow such an attitude should not be tolerated "come on Kiki don't you want me to call? It's been a long time since I called you" I said and chuckled "long time my ass, you just called me yesterday to pester me, now what do you want?" I sigh at her, does too many kids make head crease? before I could even speak Keyin snatches the phone away from her and cheerfully greet me "Hello Tangtang! What's up?" I giggled at how Keyin ushered Kiki away "hey Keyin, I would like to invite you and your pack to a reunion party, but Kiki doesn't want to come huhu" I acted sadly and want to see her reaction, without wasting a second I heard a smack on the other side of the line "Ouch- What was that?" I can hear Kiki whining "okay I'll bring them" "okay see you this Saturday," I said and hung up.

After Keyin and Kiki got together they adopted a beautiful girl who is now 8 years old, but just a year ago, Keyin got addicted to kids and ended up adopting a whole basketball team. In short 6 boys from different provinces. Seven Kids are too much, too much madness every day.

 Seven Kids are too much, too much madness every day

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