30- Week of Betrayal

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Diamond's Pov

One week. Just one week after our wedding, Yuyan is already cheating on me with her lover. 

Last week, Yuyan said that she'll go get her things back from Keni, So after we visited Xiaotang's House, she drops us off at our home. I waited and waited till midnight for her to get back but she didn't. She stayed there, the morning has come, I woke up on our bed and saw kneeling Yuyan in front of me.

"Don't say it Yuyan"

"Please I know what you did with her, just lie to me and don't say it"

"Yuyan lie to me, say you stayed at Xiaotang" 

I said it to myself. I just stared at her as she is holding my hands "Diameng"  her voice is trembling, holding tighter into my hands "Diameng, I-I'm sorry" her tears are now falling down her cheeks "Please forgive me, I didn't mean it, please"  she walks closer walking on her knees and kissing my hands. I know that I shouldn't but what can I do my heart wants her.

I sigh and got up retreating my hands from her "You don't have sorry Yuyan, there's nothing I can do. It already happened" I walk towards the door, there's nothing I can do, to think of it I am the one who agreed on marrying someone who loves somebody else "after all I'm just your scapegoat"  A cracked can be heard from my voice but before I could even cry I already slammed the door shut leaving her inside our so-called bedroom.  

I went to Sharon's room and lock the door behind me, I saw my kid sleeping peacefully. I care for her hair while preventing my sobs to come out of my mouth "I don't know, how to believe you mommy yan" the white sheets of my kid are slowly getting wet as my tear continues to fall like rain.

I closed my eyes covering it with both hands Yuyan you jerk I know I shouldn't blame her but our parents but I can't seem to help myself. A hand reached out for my face that shocked me "Mommy you are crying again" a froggy Sharon said to me, I quickly whipped my tears and compose myself before talking to her "No, I just miss your Grandpa and Grandma" I lied to the kid "but didn't we just saw them the other day?" She asked me, she's getting wiser and wiser as time goes by "I know, but I still miss them, don't you?" she shakes her head indicating her answer is NO, I ruffled her hair and said to continue her sleep since it's just 6 in the morning.

I went to the kitchen and busied myself to cook when I heard Yuyan coming down, I excuse myself but she cornered me she said we should talk about this matter no I don't my thoughts are going wild and wanting to explode.

"Diamond please just listen to me. What I did was a mistake"  and yet you did it?

"Babe, please talk to me, hit me, hurt me. I'll do anything for you to forgive me" and I'll do anything not to hurt you, how unfair.

She kneeled again and beg me, how can I ignore you when you act like that Yuyan? I inhaled and gather all my courage before talking "Do anything you want with your lover, as long as Sharon doesn't find out about this. I don't care about anything else, as long as my child is not affected" I left her once again kneeling, her gaze only follows me as I made my way into our bedroom to pack my things. I need to have fresh air. 

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