24- What Kind of Tension

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Xie Keyin's Pov

Tomorrow morning has come and I reach over my broken phone, ugh I can't believe she did that, I'm just glad that it still works so I dialed her number "did it work?"   "N to the fucking O, she even broke my phone, like seriously!"  I said to her getting out of the bed "nothing more happen to the both of you?" "bitch nothing after she stripped me last night she got up and leave, mean this a fake hickey" I did some hand gesture like I was talking to her face to face "God! so stupid, I even risk my career yesterday because of that picture" she complained on the other side of the phone "I know Xinwen, but this is the only way I know, make her jealous so she'd confess properly"

"I don't know whether your whole gang acts like this or it's just you loosing some screws somewhere up there"  I chuckled "you got it right the whole gang have some loose screw up, by the way are going to pick me up here?" I asked her, since our plan is go together there "I'm sorry but I have special driver, Yuyan's father give me a special treatment, you know, famous singer privilege's "  I groan at her statement she's boasting about herself again "okay okay , I got it, well I gotta go I till need to get ready, bye babe" "yup see you too beautiful" and I hang up the call and prepare my clothes 

Xu XinWen's Pov

The day Shaking visited me at my house, we really did it, but we didn't talk about it since we had something else to talk about 

"ahhh XinWen" she moan, after she got here, I pushed her to the door and we aggressively started making out, I carried her into the bedroom and gently lay her down, she removed her clothes and pull me closer kissing me again, I topped her as she also unbutton my shirt "are you sure about this?" I asked her "take it as a gift because I miss you so much" and pull me by my nape, ahh I miss this so much, after her break up with Keran we've been doing this but of course everything has come to an end, Jiaqi offer her a deal, and right after that I have to leave for my career, I never got a chance to tell her how I feel 

"God that was good, how long has it been?" she asked me, extending every part of her body then started to cuddle me "its been 3 years Keyin, why do you act like you haven't gotten a good sex?" I said to her sarcastically, she just chuckle "come on, we all know that that was good, so how are you?" she asked me "you know just the same person back then"  she looked at me and raise a brow "love life?" she asked me "no new" I said and she laugh at me "come on XinWen you are a famous-" I cut her off "...still you"  I still remember how shock she is back then but she laugh it off thinking it was a joke "come on XinWen that's a bad joke, you know I'm dating Jiaqi right?" 

"that's not what I've heard though" I said "did you fall inlove with her?" I looked at her and study her expression, I knew it  "I knew you so well Keyin" she sigh at me "and I knew you way too well XinWen, and I-I'm sorry"   what? what is she sorry for? "I know from the start that you have feelings, I-I just didn't want to acknowledge it I was so scared that I might also loose my sister, and bestfriend when thing goes wrong in the relationship"  I smile at her "how can I help you get Jiaqi?" I said, I need to stop liking her, our friendship is way too valuable, seeing her happy is enough for me "so what's the plan?"

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