31- Father's Order

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Yu Yan's Pov

What Diamond said left me in shock "You don't have sorry Yuyan, there's nothing I can do. It already happened, after all, I'm just your scapegoat" I didn't mean to make her feel like a toy. I've been reaching for her, Sharon might explode if another week passes by "Sharon baobei, Let's eat breakfast" I knock at her door and open it, I looked at her face and studied it. Her eyes are puffy from crying and she now has dark circles from staying up late waiting for Diamond.

"Baby, come on wake up now. We can go to the aquarium with Keni later"  I said shaking her, I only heard her hummed before sitting up "Where's mommy Meng?" The same question every morning, I sat down on her bed and sigh "Mommy Meng will be back soon okay, She just has business to take care of"  I said to her and every time she would answer back "but mommy always call me when she has a business, why isn't she calling me now?" She is on verge of crying again.

"we'll look for her after breakfast then, is that okay?" I said to her, she quickly nodded her head and jump off the bed, I looked at her as she sits at the counter eating her toast and eggs. I reached for my phone and browsed through Diamon's Weibo but I can't still see any updates "Mommy, I wanna talk to mommy Meng now" Sharon finished her dished and went beside me, what am I suppose to do now? I also can't contact Diamond.

"Okay, do you want to use my phone?" I asked her and handed her my phone. She grabbed my phone and didn't hesitate to call her mother. After a few rings without an answer, the kid began throwing a tantrum "Calm down Sharon. She'll call us when she isn't busy" I said patting her back while my other hand is massaging my temple where are you, Diamond?

After a few good minutes, my phone rang which was quickly answered by my Sharon. It also caught my attention "hmm" "yup"  "okay I'll give it to her" Sharon handed me the phone "hello?" I carefully said not looking at the callers' ID.

"Yuyan!" with just one word, it already sent me a shiver down my spine "Pack your things and get your ass back home! after you got here with my dear child, find your wife!"  my father didn't let me speak "But dad-" I tried to talk back but fail "don't you dare talk back yo me, you insolent woman!" and then hung up the call.  

I looked at my phone, staring blankly at it "Did grandpa said something to mommy?" Sharon snapped me from my thoughts "y-yeah, he said we'll go there and look for mommy" I said to her not wanting to tell her the real context "Yay!" the kid is now jumping up and down because of happiness, I wish I can feel the same way as she does "Come let's pack your our things, yeah?" I said getting up from the sofa, the kid only hummed and dragged me inside our room.

when we're done I texted Keni that our plan is canceled and spread the word to the group that we'll be going to my parents' house. I called our driver to drive us back to my parents' house, I looked over to my side to see a humming kid everything's gonna be alright I muttered to myself. When we get there I saw my mother and father, they welcomed my kid but not me what a cliche.

My mom dragged her granddaughter inside the playroom and once I turn my face back to my father I saw how fuming he is right now "sit down" he commanded, will he beat me up again? "talk what happen? why is your wife nowhere to be seen" He sat across me before I could open my mouth he speaks again "don't you dare lie Yu Yan, I already know the truth I just want it coming from your mouth"  wow after a century he didn't yell my name  "I-I upset her" I was hesitant, I'm afraid the if I tell any further he'll beat me up. I looked at him looking unconvinced by what he heard from me.

"And?" He sternly said asking for more details "I-I neglected my responsibility as a wife and mother" I looked down at my shoes "I slept with another woman-" He didn't was another minute and slap me "You! I may not be a good father to you but at least look up to me! never have cheating crossed my mind!" He yelled at me. I know dad I'm sorry, I wanted to say those things and apologize but instead of words, only tears came out. I rarely cry but why am I feeling this way? All my pent-up feelings are now flowing out of my chest "I-I'm sorry dad p-please give me one more chance, I've made up my mind" I said as I kneeled begging him to forgive me.

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