8- A Fucking Mess

167 11 9

Zhao Xiaotang

Yu Yan what a fucking mess you got into this time, not only three people are stunned about the news but they are four people that seems to froze

First is Shaking, she is so shock about Lu Keran got married to her best friend Zihan and will be back here at China to settle down, I know her relationship status with Kiki, they never dated but to ease each other pain and pleasure their desire they become friends with benefit

SunRui on the other hand is now a broken piece, she only have eyes on one person and that person is getting married, she didn't even got a chance to confess her unconditional love for her, when she got the news of Diamond coming back here she's the most exited person I've seen she already planned to have dinner date and then confess to her, but now it seems impossible for her to do things she had vision the other day

The next person got me worried the most is Keni, she's so cheerful earlier asking about who is Diamond's fiancé, and it turns out to be Yu Yan also her fiancé and love of her life, just thinking about it break my heart, they went through better and worst yet no one stayed beside her, Keni usually face everything with a smile but it's just sad seeing her fake those smile sometimes, sorry Keni we hide everything to you, only if we said everything, you'll be happy for now

Now this is unexpected, Kiki she's been staring back and forth from Diamond and Keni maybe checking if they're okay but she isn't checking herself when I can see clearly that her eyes is becoming more and more watery, she haven't move on I said to myself, It's been so long but only her and YuYan know why they broke up, mystery indeed, but I though she already moved on and started falling in love to Shaking, Its just that the joke is on them, friends with benefits can't heal a broken heart.

Lingzi's eye caught mine and signaling me to do something and break the silence, what am I supposed to do in this situation? This isn't the your typical love triangle, this mess involve more than three person, before I can break the silence Diamond's phone rang, thank God for saving me, wait who's calling in the middle of the night?Oh it's not just a call, it's facetime I took a glance and it's Yu Yan speaking of the holy satan

"Hello" Diamond said and as much as I want to believe what I'm seeing, I can't, Yu Yan is..... Smiling? What the asdfgk Yu Yan can smile now? How come she never smile infront of us? I mean she does it to Kiki and Keni but to us never, she would smile but it's forced "Hello Meng, did you arrived safely? What hotel are you staying?" She asked her, 'meng' what the heck she never give me nicknames, she hate it, although Kiki call her weird names we don't have the courage to do so

"I'm staying over Xiaotang's, Sunrui said it's dangerous to stay at hotels especially it's already late when I got here, why did you call though?" She ask the person across the screen "I called to check up on you, and take this chance to ask where did you put sharon's passport?" She answered, who is Sharon? And why would she ask someone else passport?

"Mommy, I miss you~" the other line said, all of us is peeking at the phone and eavesdropping, I know it's bad but that little kid's voice has catch our attention "Hi baby how are you" Diamond said asking the kid "I fine mommy how was flight? Mommy Yan said that when we get there we'll have a tour" holy shit 'mommy Yan'? is that their kid? But it's just been two years, how come they have a little girl now?

"Of course baby, can you pass the phone to your mommy Yan so we can talk about your passport?" Diamond's voice is so soft talking to the kid "okay mommy bye bye" a seconds later I can see YuYan's face again she kisses the kid's forehead "go play at your room Sharon I'll talk to your mommy Meng first then we can play together okay?" Her voice is so gentle and tender I swear to God all my money just to talk to YuYan with that voice.

"It's on the top of the counter hun, and make sure you wrap Sharon with thick jackets, It's cold out here" she said reminding YuYan "and wrap yourself as well okay? I know you get cold easily, I'll see you soon" she said then hang up the phone, after she locked her phone, all of us pretended to do something else, then this drunk girlfriend of mine speak up

"Who's that Diamond?" Oh shit I must brace my self now, I can feel the tension getting stronger as all of us is eager to know more about their relationship and with the kid "oh that, it's just Yu Yan and our Kid, she's asking where did I put her passport" she said as if its not a big deal, forget the passport I need to know more about the kid "you have a kid? Wow since when?" I asked her in a friendly way so she won't feel that I'm desperate for an answer, which is I really am

" Just a year ago, Yu Yan keep asking me for a kid, so we adopted one since we aren't married and I'm not ready yet, so we went to the different center but she don't like someone, but once she saw Sharon they both clicked" she said to us like telling a story where miracle happen, and since when Yu Yan beg for a kid? She hate kids except if its cute, maybe she want companion but why must it be a kid?

Before I could ask a question again Keni got up from where she's sitting "I'll be sleeping first, I think I drunk too much" she said smiling bitterly we waved goodbye to her and after a few minute we decided to finish this mini party that became a fucking mess within a blink of an eye"I think all of us is a bit tipsy and some are tired from flight we should stop now and continue next time" I said and they all agree, I'll let the maid clean up tomorrow, We have so much in our plate for today and that give me head ache one after another


Hi double update for double fun, happy week ends

I don't know if this is even an update, it's so short I'll make it up to you guys next time, love ya'll :>>

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