🤕What if... Chihiro woke up?🤕

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🤕Genre: Angst with a good ending
🤕Length: very long (1010 words)
🤕Au: Chihiro only gets knocked out when Mondo hits him.

The door of the girl's locker room began to swing shut silently, the inside slowly being swallowed by the darkness. It creaked shut- before a figure peeled itself from the shadows and slunk inside.
Byakuya looked down at the body. Chihiro was curled up, almost like she was sleeping peacefully- except for the blood splattered on her head.
A twisted smile curved across his face. With adrenaline-shocked limbs, he picked up Chihiro's lifeless form and, just as he planned, got to work.
He turned around, hands on the doorknob.
"What- w-where am I?"
Chihiro's body- Chihiro's corpse lifted it head.
"Byakuya? Byakuya, what's going on?!" She sobbed.
This wasn't part of the plan.
"What happened? My- my head. Oh god, am I dead?" Her eyes darted around the room, tears beginning to pour.
"No, you're obviously not dead. I-" he searched his head for a lie. "I found you like this. Someone tried to kill you."
Chihiro instantly stopped wriggling.
"K-kill me?"
"Yes. Now I'm going to untie you and take you back to your room. You have a concussion. Why don't you forget this? Go to sleep and forget."
"What-what do you mean? Did you- did you try and kill me?" She whimpered.
"No,no. I found you! I saved you from the killer." Byakuya tried to slow down his frantic heartbeat, strengthen those paper-thin lies.
"I'm going to take you back to your room now, Chihiro. We can talk about this tomorrow." He managed to hiss.
"Ok. Please, can I come down?"
His eyes darted to the bloody dumbbell. It would be so much easier...
"Please, Byakuya."
"Ok, give me a minute."


Byakuya stormed into his room and slammed the door. He sat on his bed, eyes on the floor, studying the pale blue carpet until it started to blur. He scratched his eyes, scraping away the tears that fell from his face.
Why didn't he do it? Why couldn't he just kill her?
He didn't even have to plan it. It came to him perfectly. But no, he had to untie her, couldn't just bring down that dumbbell and end it all there. He could have won. He would have won.
But he just couldn't do it.
Byakuya curled up on his bed and covered his face with his hands.


Knock knock knock
Byakuya stood at the programmers door, yawning. He usually slept in after staying in the library all night- well, slept was the wrong word. He'd probably slept 4 hours since waking up here.
"Oh! Byakuya!" Chihiro stood in the doorway, toothpaste foam still dripping down her mouth. "Your knocked for me?"
"I wanted to make sure you were alright. We need to inform the class of your attack." He told her.
"Oh yeah! I'm almost ready, just give me a second." She hurried back into her room. Byakuya peered into the room, looking in to see if he could infer anything  about her secret from her room.
The room was organised and clean, the bed made perfectly. The laptop they had found in the library lay on her pillow, waiting patiently for the user to return like a blocky black cat.
"Hey Byakuya! I'm back!" Byakuya stiffened, leaning away from the door. If Chihiro saw him looking in her room, she didn't comment.
"Well, let's go." 
They walked to the hall, Chihiro scuttling behind Byakuya. With Each step, Byakuya's anxiety grew and grew. The sound of their steps echoed in his head, twisting into a screaming chant.
They're going to find out. They're going to find out. THEY'RE GOING TO FIND OUT.
"Byakuya! Chihiro!" Makoto waves cheerfully as they entered the hall. Chihiro sat next to Naegi but Byakuya remained standing, facing the door. He wanted to see what would happen when he walked in. He watched the door like a television set.
Tap tap tap.
It was him!
Mondo. He walked into the room, his eyes racked with guilt. His pupils slid over the room, seeing nothing out of the-
She was alive. She was alive. She was alive. That bastard was sitting there with a sick smile on his face.
Mondo sat down on the table, his movements rigid.
Byakuya caught his eye, smirking.


"Now it is time to reveal your secrets! First is Makoto Naegi!"
Byakuya's eyes snapped to Makoto. Even as the flames of anxiety roared through him, one part of him still yearned to see him suffer.
"Naegi's secret is... he wet the bed until 7th grade! Puhuhuhu!"
"Is that it?" Hagakure grumbled. "Damn, that's tame."
"Yeah. It's just kind of embarrassing." Naegi looked at Sayaka, blushed, then looked at his feet.
"Next is..."
Please please please
Byakuya Togami had never begged before, but now he closed his eyes and begged he wouldn't be next.
"Chihiro Fujisaki! Chihiro is not a girl, but actually a boy!"
"Oh my gosh!" Aoi squealed.
"Well, that doesn't matter. Your still our friend!" Naegi yelled. "Your motives don't work, Monokuma. We won't kill anyone!"
"Shut up! Let me finish. Next is Celestia Ludenburg."
Celeste closed her eyes, the picture of relaxation.
"Celestia's real name is Taeko Yasuhiro! Yup, she was lying!" Monokuma giggled.
"Next is Byakuya Togami! This one's a doozy!"
No no no no-
"This is not Byakuya's first killing game!"
No no no no
"He was forced to kill his own siblings when he was younger!"
"And he killed his older brother!"
Everybody's eyes turned to him. The words ripped through his throat, bringing tears to his eyes.
"You're lying! I-I-I-"  tears flowed freely down his face. He put his hands to his eyes until those poisoned rainbows made his vision shake.
Byakuya looked down. Chihiro took his hand.
"It's ok. Nobody judges you. I'm still your friend."
Byakuya looked at this tiny person, so below him, so insignificant and a smile touched his lips.
"Thank you. I'm still your friend."

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