🍃Toko x Kyoko- Tree branch🍃

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🍃Genre: Hurt/comfort
🍃Length: medium (477 words)
🍃Au: non despair
⚠️Bullying at the beginning, up to the 🍃

Toko took a deep breath, preparing for whatever would be outside the library door. Her arms shook, her whole body shook, making her plaits swing wildly. She inched out of the door, keeping her head fastened on her brown flats. She squeezed her eyes closed as she passes them. She let out a sigh of relief when they didn't notice her.
They did.
She felt someone yank on one of her plaits, jolting her spindly neck towards them. She stated in horror up at Mukuro Ikusaba, who let her go with her gloved hand.
"Do you wash your hair? You smell disgusting!" Jeered Hiyoko. She was so much shorter than Toko, but she seemed to look over her.
"Obviously she doesn't! She doesn't even change her clothes, you dirty cow." Junko hissed, so close to her face she could smell the sickly strawberry of her lipgloss.
"Hiding away in the library, are we?!" Junko cooed in a baby voice. Toko tried to struggle away, but Mukuro still had a iron-grip on her plait.
"Yeah, hiding away? What are you, 2?" Tsumugi imitated Junko.
Toko spluttered, trying not to stammer.
"It's n-not m-my fault- you can't read-"
That earned her a slap from Junko. Toko clasped her cheek, tears rolling down her half-crimson face.
"I CAN read, you pig!" Junko snarled. "Mukuro, TELL HER." Mukuro's grip slackened. Toko took her chance and dived for the door, leaving the school sprinting.
A shadow on the wall peeled after her.


Kyoko followed Toko behind the school, to the forest. Guilt powered her forward- she was guilty she had watched, just watched her classmate get bullied by Junko and her gang. She was also one of their victims. She knew how it felt, but she did nothing.
Toko clambered up a tree deep in the woods, Kyoko close behind her. She watched guiltily as Toko sobbed, her tears dropping down the few metres below.
Toko jolted up, her face flushing red when she spotted Kyoko.
"What do you want." She sniffed.
"I'm sorry." Kyoko muttered. "I should have stopped them."
Toko's face melted into a look of shock.
"S'fine. They've been doing it for ages."
Kyoko clambered up beside her, her gloved hands inching her up the tree like a monkey.
"They bully me as well. I know how it is." Kyoko mumbled.
"It sucks." Toko smiled. Kyoko blushed instantly, but fortunately she was good at hiding it. Toko, in the fading spring light, was absolutely beautiful.
"You're... so pretty." Kyoko immediately jolted back, ashamed of her outburst. Toko giggled.
"You too." And up on the tree branch, they held hands until dusk fell.

I hope you like it! I'm actually really proud of this one aha 🤗

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