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I'm from the uk btw so I know first hand what it's like 😎🇬🇧 this is based on my school, its not as bad as this though lol 😂 it's based on true events though
Please request character and ships

Harry Hinata was walking to school while watching tik tok. He passes a gang of boys and girls. They were-
They are dagerous gangsters, they wore black tracksuits and fake tan and yelled. There was his crush- Niall Komeada. He was wearing Adidas tracksuit and drinking a beer at 8:30 in the morning. Wow.
He was talking to a girl with red bunches and a english bull terrier on a leash. Jay-jay Enoshima.
"Oi Harry, fuck off." Jay-jay yelled at Harry. Harry have her the finger, Withoit the thumb sticking out because that looks stupid. He went like this 🖕
Niall blushed but he acted hard anyway. Harry was so hot.
"Fuck off mate, you are so Gay." He called. He wasn't homophobic but he had to hide being gay or Jay-jay and the rest would get annoyed at him.
Harry ignores them. He met his friend Evie Maizono how is a chav. She had orange spray tan, Victoria's secrets spray, lots of makeup and she was with her boyfriend Max Kuwata.
"Oi you fucking chav." Harry said.
"Wagwan nonce." Said Max.
They went to their maths lesson.
Niall looked at Harry (just realised they are 1D names KSHSJSKISMSHSN) instead of doing his maths. He walked over at break. They were on the tennis court. It was raining.
"Wanna date." Niall asked.
"No." Harry said.
Niall had to hide his disappointment because roadman can't cry. He ran to the bathrooms. There was water everywhere and rubbish.
"Waaaaaa." He cries it was so so sad.
I am crying while writing this I am so sad.


A Girl called Caitlin Ludenburg was doing her mastery homework. A teacher came out and saw she had died her hair purple.
"C1 miss." Said Mr Monokuma.
"For fucks sake." She said.
"C2, go to the hub." Caitlin walked upstairs and passed all the shite murals art kids had painted. She saw her crush, Emily Kirigiri.
"What are you in here for."
"Called mr Monokuma a nonce."
"I have purple hair."
"Let's date."

The end!!!

I might right some more later lol

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