don't sleep over

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a/n : this was meant to come out on valentine's day but i didn't finish it in time but i'm rather glad i didn't because this oneshot isn't quite a valentines one— also sorry for any spelling errors in advance

3433 words (minus a/n)
dteam x wilbur


it was common for the children of the gold family to bicker and disagree with one another. the pair was an introvert and an extrovert, of course there's a difference between them. though the two often settled disagreements with fencing, winner gets to win the dispute. yet this disagreement wasn't one they could solve by stabbing the other with a non-lethal bendy sword.

a certain trio, the dream team they call themselves, was a group of people that techno hated. wilbur always said techno's reasons for hating them were stupid but it wasn't stupid to hate someone because they always attempted to talk to you like they known you for years or they constantly steal your own brother for whatever the fuck or if they're always at your brother's fucking side to the point you can't even talk to him because clingy over there will drag him away.

nick always had his hair a mess with a bandana tied around his head like it could save him from the bed hair he goes everywhere with.

then george always wore the stupid fucking goggles wilbur got him on his tenth birthday, he's seventeen now.

oh and don't get techno started on clay— the dirty blond always had his hair over his eyes, freckles dotted around his skin like someone put paint onto a toothbrush then flicked it and he'd always wear the same stupid lime jumper with the even stupider white beanie with a stupid smile knitted on it by someone with delicate hands. basically clay's a stupid utter fool and techno believes his iq is a lie.

wilbur however said the trio was pleasant in his own unique way. the brunet always enjoyed describing clay's freckles as "stars that aphrodite painted herself onto his body" george's choice to wear the goggles he gave him at ten for the rest of his days as "charmingly sweet, it proves he cares" and nick's stupid fucking bandana as "his special crown!"

honestly techno couldn't fathom why the fuck his brother would describe the person he claimed as the number one enemy that way. naturally if techno hated someone then wilbur should hate them as well not water their already fully grown ego. techno could understand if wilbur and his gay heart just ended up like the girls in their school, swooning heavily for white men. well wilbur was naturally the type to compliment someone he cares for after someone insults said someone and that's perfectly fine. techno thinks it's quite nice but simply he wonders why the fuck wilbur had to give a shit about them.

a sleepover to solve techno's 'problem' with the, in techno's words, idiots.

"hey it's not going to be that bad!" the brunet states in hopes for his brother to chipper up but he only gained a bitter grumble from his brother.

"why do you even want me to think they're decent?" the question was asked several times and each time wilbur seemed to have a debate in his mind on if he should tell techno in that moment. the debate always seemed to have the outcome though.

"doesn't matter why i want your stupid one-sided rivalry to end but you need to stop being a prick for no reason"

then techno flicked his food off his fork and straight to wilbur's head. clearly wilbur would have to return the favour of food to the head.

the sleepover was set up with perfect timing, their parents were out being romantic or something and techno wasn't in the mood to beat up the dream team when they arrived. he was sleepy enough to find fighting a waste of energy.

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