broken sleep schedule

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a/n : new book who this? soo basically it's exactly what the book title says, sleepy bois inc oneshots. they are my comfort so why not have a book about them and i mean no harm with the way i write them. anyhow that's all!!

901 words (minus a/n)
platonic willnoblade (wilbur & techno)


'3:25 AM' read the clock. the glowing green numbers illuminated the side of techno's face. he sighed and moved his attention back to his dimly lit computer. it wasn't out of the ordinary for techno to up this late, he'd gotten used to barely sleeping. he would sleep at 6am and wake up at 8am. this wasn't.. healthy but techno made no attempt to fix it.

what was the pinkette's reason for not sleeping this time? well he's working on something, that something was a not so short plan that he needed to workshop to perfection. techno focused on this as best as he could, checking youtube and the time every once and a while. sometimes the only reason for going on youtube was to help workshop the plan.

the sleepy boy let out a yawn. he stretched his arms out and proceeded to slump back into his chair. he didn't know why he always became so dedicated on whatever he worked on, no matter how stupid it was he dedicated his time to the plan. just before techno could place his fingers back onto the keyboard he noticed his phone vibrate. he grabbed it and turned it on to see a notification.

1 new message from wilbur

the pinkette looked at the notification for a good while as if it were to change or disappear. he anxiously clicked it and saw,

'why are you awake?'
read at 3:40am

"shit.." techno muttered. he'd gone a while without anyone knowing that he actually wasn't sleeping. most people believed it was a joke and his flatmates always were asleep durning this time so no one could catch him. wilbur was one of these flatmates.

he couldn't act like he wasn't awake it showed he read it. techno nervously typed back,

'sleep is for the weak'

it stayed unread until 3:44am. there was no reply and no typing. techno grew more anxious by the seconds that passed. he soon heard a noise come from outside his room, it was a door. after the door there was footsteps and then..

knock knock

"can i come in?" he heard a british voice ask from the opposite side of the door. it was wilbur. for a moment it was quiet, for a moment techno didn't know what to say but after that moment was over "come in.." he said in quiet voice. you could tell he was tired. his voice was softer, quieter and he yawned right after responding.

the door knob twisted and the door opened. there stood the tall male in the doorway. his hair was messier, he wore a light yellow sweater and sweatpants. he seemed as if he hadn't slept but merely laid on his bed making movement only for comfort.

"how did you know.." techno asked, his voice still quiet. wilbur walked from the doorway to techno's bed, he sat on it and looked at techno with sleepy eyes. "you have bags underneath your eyes that get more worrying as the days pass, whenever i can't sleep and go for a midnight snack i can hear you typing annnddd your noticeably tired in the day" the taller male said without hesitation. he looked at techno with a slight smile. techno sighed, he didn't know how obvious he was to wil.

the smile faded and wilbur's face was painted with worry. "please sleep.." he said softly. the pinkette felt guilty, he didn't want to look at the worried man in the eyes. 'why do you care..' the pinkette wondered. "i.. can't. i need to do this" he tried his best to cover up his hesitation and exhaustion. he failed cover both up. the lack of sleep didn't allow him to cover it up well. the reply only caused wil to become even more worried. the brunette sighed and walked over to techno. confusion flooded techno's mind.

"if you're not going to sleep.." wilbur leaned over and turned off the pc "then i'll make sure it's the only option" techno's confusion grew and then wil picked techno up. the action just caused the pinkette's mind to be flooded with confusion. techno wasn't too heavy so wilbur picked him up without struggle but still the taller one was stronger than what techno thought. techno was shorter than wilbur so he believed that helped wilbur in the no struggling. wilbur walked over to techno's bed and placed him on it. "sleep" the shorter male shook his head 'no' and pouted.

wil sighed and sat next to techno. he placed the blanket onto techno so he wouldn't be cold. "when you leave i'm not going to sleep" techno mumbled. wil seemed to hear him and he let out a chuckle. "i'm staying here silly" "h-huh?" wilbur smiled at techno and laid down. it took the shorter male a few seconds to accept this but once he did he moved the blanket so it covered both him and wil. a slight smile grew on techno's lips. wilbur hugged or well cuddled techno to make sure he didn't just get out of the bed when he fell asleep.

minutes passed and soon enough the two cuddling boys were fast asleep.

after this day wilbur made sure that techno got enough sleep and techno didn't mind this. sure phil was confused at first but after a few days of this he had gotten used to it.

exhausted  |  sleepy bois inc oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now