dead rabbits

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a/n :  mfs wanted angst and this the result— i hate this oneshot ngl but people want that sweet sweet angst

1718 (minus a/n)

tw :  heavily implied self harm , suicide , murder


the voices were something piglins often had. it was something that made them violent, angry and crave blood. full piglins had gold to keep the voices at bay, the shiny object kept the voices distracted but if someone who wasn't a piglin came by without any gold on them the voices would scream. hybrids didn't have this advantage, they were born with a fascination towards gold but it never kept them calm forever. most of the time hybrids lived in the nether due to how violent they could get, they'd attack hoglins most of the time so piglins didn't mind having them around even they wore no gold.

wilbur didn't like being a hybrid. he got lost when he was younger, leaving the piglins behind because his twin saw a man with golden hair. it was stupid to follow but the pinkette was clingy. in the human dimension people were scared of wilbur, the boy hadn't learnt how to control the voices unlike techno. granted his voices never seemed to be overly violent, they liked when wilbur fidgeted with something shiny so he often begged his caretakers for shiny objects he finds. techno had more violent voices but he found himself in fencing classes and that kept the voices calm.

sometimes wilbur wished he was part zombie piglin, they didn't have the voices screaming at them to kill. if he was part zombie piglin then he wouldn't have moments where the voices would be screaming at him to do something anything violent. normally durning these times he'd be in a corner sobbing as he held himself tightly hoping that at some point he could die from his own grip.

then he found something that calmed the voices, sometimes there'd be quiet voices that were filled with concerned over the action but the louder ones were satisfied with the blood she'd even if it was his own. the first time he done it his hands were shaking uncontrollably and his vision was foggy, unfocused on anything besides the newly bloodied knife.

yet it became a habit.

wilbur mindlessly fiddled with his fork, the food tray was already empty but he didn't know what else to do. other students were sat in tables with their friends, techno included so the pinkette was sat at his own table without any other students. he wanted to convince himself it was perfectly fine that nobody wanted to hang out with him because they believed he was a violent thing that would attack them if they came near him.

it was stupid that the humans had stereotypes over hybrids but he couldn't do anything because it would feed into their thoughts. sometimes wilbur considered dying his hair and dulling down his teeth but then phil always told him it'd be painful and he wouldn't look like himself.

"why does techno get friends and i don't.." the pinkette mumbled while staring at techno and his friends with envy.

truth was the only reason techno had friends over wilbur was because of double standards. people found it incredible that techno was so calm for hybrid but if they saw wilbur being calm or simply not talking to anyone they'd assume he was thinking of ways to kill them. they trusted techno because the male was attractive more so than wilbur in their eyes. to them they believed techno pulled off the pink hair, looked great being taller than average and that his gold fascination was cute yet everything about wilbur that shared those details was wrong. to them he was too tall, the pink hair looked horrid on him and that his fascination with gold was strange and he liked it too much.

you should kill them

"shut up.."

shed their blood!

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