closed voting go brr

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hi hello so this isn't a oneshot but this is like a choice you can make on the next oneshot-

i've been struggling on which oneshot to focus on so bam vote on one of the prompts by replying to it and the one with the most replies will become my focus. all of the oneshots will be made though.

i love you like an alcoholic - platonic :
quackity & wilbur being drunk idiots that bond over a sucky ex boyfriend they both had. 

baking with three dumbasses - platonic :  drista , tubbo & tommy bake a cake together for a youtube video

my gold , my treasure - romantic :  dream & wilbur are soulmates that have a conflicting relationship and friendship. au where you can communicate with your soulmate in your dreams.

dirty crime bois amrite fellas - slight romance :  the dream team are working to catch a confusing group of criminals that are right underneath their noses

that'll be all.
buh-bye hope you have a decent day :]

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