it's insulting really 2

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a/n : part two was requested soo here!

688 words (minus a/n)
tw : mention of bullying


"it's okay tommy you can do this" toby whispered. truthfully tommy never thought he'd tell his brothers. he believed that it'd be his secret to keep till his grave yet here he is walking with shaky legs towards his brothers to release said secret.

he hadn't the time to cover up his bruises with make up or to wait till his eyes weren't red. so he was walking a mess with toby comforting him on the way.

the moment tommy was in range of wilbur and techno the two had taken notice of how the younger looked. techno kept a calm expression while wilbur looked concerned and mad. they didn't rush over to tommy and toby since it was noticeable how out of it tommy was. the siblings waited and when tommy finally was close enough to have a conversation without yelling for the other to hear the beanie wearing brunette spoke up. "what happened. what the fuck happened"

tommy's eyes widened at the tone of wil's voice. he sounded so worried, so angry yet it wasn't the anger that made tommy flinch and cry it was the type that gave him comfort and the feeling of safety. wilbur cared and that wasn't a lie. "i.. uh.. i'm getting b-bullied" the blond stuttered out, closing his eyes as if that'd make a difference in the outcome. "techno we're going to violence some people" "gladly" the pinkette spun a bat in his hand.

"wait.. what?" tommy looked at his siblings with confused eyes. "what are their names and do you know their addresses?" wilbur said not reacting to tommy's confusion. "uhm.. george, nick ..and c-clay" the blond stuttered out, fumbling with his hands. toby seemed to mumble comforting things to tommy the moment he noticed that the boy showed signs of discomfort.

"techny~ can you beat dweam for me?" wilbur purred his hands intertwined and next to his chin. "yes" the pinkette replied simply. "oh! oh! i could lead nick on as a catfish since he's the quote on quote ladies man of the school even though he's just a straight dude that girls like but anyhow i could lead him on and then bAM it's a squirrel!" the brunette bounced in excitement as he spoke. the younger boys stared at him confused.

"why are you willing to do so much for me?" tommy mumbled. wilbur seemed to still hear him, his head quickly moved to face tommy. "you're my brother and you might be a pain in the ass sometimes but you're a good person and cool dude. i'm very proud of you" he said with a smile unlike the one he had before from the thought of crime, it was just a nice smile. "thanks" now tommy's voice had a hint of pride in it.

then wilbur whispered something to techno, the tall boys now had mischievous grins on their faces. the two ran somewhere, they were out of sight in moments. toby and tommy just stood there feeling happy for different reasons.

"did you see that?! they're going to fight for me! the innit wins another war!!" tommy boasted, his eyes gleaming like they did in the past. "yeah! that's so awesome!!" "we win these!" the two kids laughed and shouted, pumping their arms in the air.

the next day tommy didn't get beaten, called names or even tripped. he was bully free. the bullies however came to school looking different. george was wearing sunglasses glasses with a white brim to cover up his black eye, nick was dealing with a bruised chin and clay was dealing with bruises all over his face.

when tommy passed them in halls he burst out laughing. "you guys got your asses beat! baH-HAH!" he continued to laugh. the trio of bruised boys looked at tommy annoyed like they were ready to attack, but a sudden wave of panic showed itself on their faces for a moment and then they walked off.

tommy grinned and turned around to see wilbur and techno. he ran towards them, shouting "they left me on read in real life that's incredible!"

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