tip of the l'iceburg

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a/n : the election arc finale was fun wasn't it? soo have this fun oneshot of phil and wilbur smile

1233 words
tw : child neglect , death


one father, three kids.

the father's name is phil, the oldest's name is techno, the middle child was called wilbur, and the youngest's name is tommy.

the father is caring.
the oldest is brave.
the middle was..
and the youngest was bold.

techno was pampered in a way. being the first born he was treated like royalty. he had high grades in all classes. he took fencing lessons. phil would even teach techno some tricks he learnt from his adventures.

tommy was taken care of very carefully. phil would tell him stories of his adventures, the child was amazed by each and every one. phil would humour tommy with games. he got average grades and phil would help him if needed.

wilbur had good grades in geography and english. he had below average grades in the rest. he took speak therapy, that he would walk to after school. he adored music, phil bought him a guitar. the boy would try to show several people his songs.

techno wasn't exactly popular in school but he was well known enough to be respected. tommy would pick on girls in his class and he was unsurprisingly more liked in the group of boys. wilbur went to school and made some not so good friends.

wilbur wasn't exactly seen.

"phil look!" the brunette called out, he bounced excitedly holding a piece of paper that had lyrics and music notes on it with a large red 'A' at the right corner. "shh! not now wil" phil said with his finger pressing against his lips.

wilbur looked to what his father was holding, it was a sleeping tommy. he looked down at the ground with the paper behind his back. "sorry.." he quickly exited the room.

and again

wilbur nervously walked up to his father. he had missed his speech therapy due to getting detention and not being able to run fast enough before it was over.

"dad i-" "i'm so proud of you tech!" phil spoke up before he noticed wilbur. the brunette looked up and saw phil patting techno's head with a report card that had a pluses all around in his other hand.

the brunette didn't try to speak up again. he simply ran off unaware that pinkette saw him.

and again..

"wilbur what did i say?" an annoyed father said. "i know you said not to hang out with them anymore but i promise they haven't hurt-" wilbur got cut off by the annoyed father,

"wilbur you stole from the grocery store!"

"you let it slide when techno steals why is it so bad when i do??"

"because at least techno gets good grades that makes up for it."

"i'm trying! it's hard to focus on all my studies when the therapist gives me 'homework' that i can't just not do since she'll get upset if i don't do it!"

"i told you can ask techno to help you with your studies"

"why can't you help me?"

"because i'm busy with work"

"you help tommy!"

"he's younger it's different"

he wanted phil to be proud of him..

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