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I search her eyes seeing that she's hesitant and scared to say it back. To be real I've never actually told nobody I love them besides Kalia & Cash. I've never really put myself out there like that.

It's crazy I can kill, sell drugs and go against anybody in any city but when it comes to putting my heart out there I'm afraid too.

I scratch behind my neck sitting up. "You don't gotta say it back. I understand if you don't." Man I sound like a whole ass bitch right now. That's how I can tell this girl done found a way into my heart.

She sits up too moving close to me. I let her climb onto my lap. Our bare skin against one another. I've never been this close to a female. Me and Onya been friends majority of our lives but after sex we'd go on about our way. I wasn't the cuddling type, the kissing type, I've always been the fucking type but just sex is nothing compared to laying up with somebody or having them be there thru my rough times. And what's so special about Dani and one of the reason why I have these feelings for her is because she'll do for me, be there for me, and help me and not throw it in my face. She doesn't do it to hold it against me she does it because she cares about me.

I just think she's too scared that I'm going to hurt her and that's why she's not letting me completely in.

"Kades you know what we have. It's something I've never had before." She tries to explain.

"I'm listening." I say sitting up I pick her up knowing she's probably sore and carry her to the bathroom. I place her on the toilet so she can pee and while she's doing that I run her some bath water.

"I never really uh..." she trails awkwardly. "I've only ever had sex with one person. And I wouldn't even say we had a connection. But me and you? This connection is so different and I just want to make sure we're moving at a good pace."

I nod understanding. I am shocked that she's only ever been with one other person. I guess I never really knew if she'd ever been with anyone in high school. "I feel you," I give her reassurance. I grab some bubbles pouring it into the hot bath water. "I'm not trippin' I just want you to know where I stand about it. We got our whole lives ahead of us I know you gone tell me eventually."

I lift up leaning down I kiss her on her forehead. "You ready?" I ask.

She nods trying to lift up but winces. The both of us bust out laughing. "Damn you was too rough." She whines but a smiles on her face.

I bow down at her knees lifting my head up I kiss her on the lips. "Imma be more gentle next time baby." I promise her.

She gives me a smile and I can't help but smile back. I lift her up and gently place her in the bathtub, at first she winced a little bit but after a minute I can tell she's comfortable and the bath makes her feel better. I was about to walk out when she called after me. "You wanna...you wanna get in?" She asks nervousness in her voice.

I was caught off guard. How shy she was being in the bedroom and covering herself I didn't know if she would be okay with that but I definitely don't turn her down. I climb into the tub with her bubbles and soap covering both of our skin. She's laying with her back against my chest and my back is to the tub. "You know what I learned when I was locked up?" She asks her voice low.

I take the luffa that I bought along with some of her other hygiene products she likes. I grab her flowery scented body wash placing it all over the luffa and then I start to wash her up. "What you learn?" I ask leaning down I place a kiss in the crook on her neck. The smell of the body wash good as fuck.

THUG WATERS (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now