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"Where were you?" My mom raised her face from in her hands. I expected her to be crying but instead she was full on pissed. Just my luck.

"A party." I keep it short and simple.

"Did Cas Chase just drop you off?" Mari joined in. I felt circled right now, the way they were both seated on the couch questioning me. And the look in their eyes was almost as if they knew something I didn't.

"Casmarian? What are you doing hanging with that boy? He's nothing but trouble-"

"So now you care?" I raised my voice slightly.

"I've always cared! It's you who don't care, walking in here at almost two in the damn morning. Your father would turn over his grave if he seen you like this. Walking in from a party wearing god knows who's clothes-"

"Mom," I sighed touching the bridge of my nose. "I really don't want to hear this right now."

I turned walking towards the kitchen but in an instant she was up yanking me back. "Your going to listen!" She screamed at me. I was taken back at her voice so instead of arguing back I just stared at my shoes waiting for her to tell me.

"We're moving." As soon as the words left her lips time stood still. I stared at Mari's eyes who avoided my stare. "It was Mari's idea and frankly I think it's a good one. We need a new fresh start. And I think we can find it in Kansas."

"You can't be serious." I whispered to myself.

"What about granny? Or Aunt Margo? What will they do without us? Dad was helping them pay their bills."

None of my questions was answered. Instead a whole line of bullshit fled out her mouth. "We can't afford to keep the house nor can we afford to think of anybody else. Your dad would want this."

"God your so fucking self-" before I could finish the taste was slapped out of my mouth.

"I'm selfish! I feed you! I cook for you! I take care of you!" She screamed in my face. I was hurt when Mari didn't come to my aid but instead just stared at his lap.

"Like I'm a dog! Not like I'm your daughter! You don't care about me! None of you do. God I can't believe he left me here with you. You're so selfish, you probably find it great that he's gone so now you won't have to share any of his money he left for his mom!" I began to go over board but over the years pain and aggression has built up. I was never my moms favorite, Mari was. And she did not have a problem showing it.

That's why my dad means everything to me, because even though he's not my dad he still was there more than my own mother.

I held my cheek feeling the sting. "Where did I ever go wrong with you?" She asked her voice filled with so much sorrow. Sadness filled my heart, the worse thing possible to say to your own child yet she said it.

A small tear rolled down my face but I wiped it before anyone could see. "Dani.." Mari trailer but it was too late. Soon I was up the stairs and inside my room. I huddled in a ball on my bed and began crying. Just when I thought my night couldn't get any worse. It does.


I slammed my locker shut and as of on cue Penny was heading my way. I rolled my eyes and threw my book bag over my shoulder. My eyes locked with Mari's and I walked faster just to avoid him talking to me. We have not spoke since last night, after what happened I stormed out of the house early in the morning to get a head start on walking my ass to school.

"What's your problem?" Penny snapped following me out into the pouring rain. I lifted my hood up over my head, well technically Kades hood. Don't ask me why I'm wearing it.

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