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He stood on the sidewalk with his hood on staring down at my probably now completely drenched figure. "Dani?" His voice was emotionless yet the way his eyes never left mine it almost made me wonder if he cared.

"Kade..." I trailed sniffling. He removed his hoody, I attempted to raise my hand to stop him but he wouldn't allow it. He motioned for me to lift my arms in the air, as I did he slipped the hoody over my body. It smelled of him and provided warmth for my now cold body.

He grabbed my arm pulling me to his porch where we were both shaded from the rain. I sat down and just when I thought I couldn't cry anymore tears slowly began to fall more and more. "What are you doing here Dani? How do you know where I stay?" His voice was filled with anything but worry. He seemed to be more concerned on why I was in front of his house but not why I was crying in front of his house.

I soon realized I'd fucked up coming there, not that it was intentional but still. I stood up awkwardly wiping my eyes. "Just went for a walk, I didn't know you lived here." I lied.

"A walk? In the rain?"

"Yeah I guess so." I climbed off of his porch entering the rain again. Just as I was so close to being on my way I heard him call after me.

"Somewhere somebody's going thru something way more worse than you. Count your blessings baby girl."

"Count my blessings? Did you just fucking tell me to count my blessings?" My voice raised slightly and was horse.

"Yeah just think, it could've been you."

Before I knew it I was standing in his face screaming. "You don't know me! You don't know shit about me!" I screamed at him.

His face didn't alter. "Oh I know you Danielle. Your want me to feel bad for you, to pity you, yet you won't pity yourself. You're bitter everyday, and you barely even have any friends. As far as I'm concerned Cash is the only person in your life that gives a shit."

"You don't know me. You don't know what it's like to wake up and realize your life is shit. And nobody gives a damn your just all alone. And the one person you could call on when times are tough isn't alive to see another day. To take another breath!"

"Things happen kid. Life happens."

"But not to me, I-I was supposed to be something some day. To do something some day. A-and now he's not even around to fuckin see it." I ranted. Before I knew it was full on crying again, this is the most I've cried in weeks.

"I mean why can't I be happy, why can't life be good for me? I deserve it! I deserve that shit more than anybody! I need that shit more than anybody does!"

"What's so special about you? Huh?! Life fucks us all and you think your any different? Look kid shit happens and people die. If you want some sort of motivational speech go to a damn counselor instead of crying in the-" I cut him off.

"You don't know what I'm going thru! That's why you don't care because you don't even know!"

"I do know! My baby girl is dead, she's six feet under! You want to talk about living to see another day she barely even lived at all! Your dad had his life and now it's done!" He screamed at me. I was completely stunned. But just like he didn't pity me I didn't pity him. It's just like what he said right? Shit happens.

"Look go back to wherever you came from and next time your feeling sad cry in the bathroom like a normal person. Not in the fuckin' rain or in front of my house." His words were cruel and hurtful but I could only be forced to accept them.

THUG WATERS (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now