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I take a deep breath my hands shaking. As I feel suffocated and claustrophobic inside of cell. The bars trapping me inside. I got sent way across the seas to one of the worst female jails. Which the one Cash got sent to is just as bad. My heart broke for him when they said he was getting sent to Riker's Island.

I run a hand thorough my hair finally breaking down crying. One of those cries where a sob escapes, your chest is all tight, your stomach is hurting, your face turns red, snot is coming out of your nose. For the first time since my dads death I was no longer thinking of him and thinking everything about me. What if they forced me to stay here for fifteen years? I'd be thirty by the time I got out. What about school? Graduating? College? Kids? Marriage? Parties? Buying my first house? None of that will happen now and I'll forever have the word felon at every job I apply to.

By the time I get out the world will be a completely different world. Where will I go? What will I do? Who would I be? I did the math while going crazy in here for my first day. I'll be in here for approximately 5,475 days depending on if I get fifteen or not.

Every single day I'll be going to sleep on a hard mattress, fighting my way through here, eating jail food, wearing the same jump suit.

I was so focused on getting revenge and in the end I fucked my self up. I ruined Cash's life. Khalil is still alive and Vanni the one who didn't even do the most to my dad is the one I decided to kill. Cas and Tez are still out there while I'm trapped inside for majority of my life. 

"Aye crybaby." A woman's smooth voice calls out to me in a teasing tone. I look up to see a older woman with youthful skin. Beside her four other women around various age. One looking in their twenties, thirties, and one looking younger than me or my age.

"Wassup?" I toughen my voice up a little bit.

She smirks at me. "How old are you?" She asks curiously.

I place my knees into my chest and my arms over them. "Seventeen." I answer. "My birthdays tomorrow." I state shaking my head.

"Well well," she nods understanding. "What a youngin like you doing in here?"

"Attempted murder." I tell her not proud.

"Wear that shit on your forehead," she advices. "Time like that might protect you in here. But let me tell you ain't nobody protected unless they with me. How much time you got."

"Ten to fifteen." I say.

"I knew you looked familiar. You the girl known for stabbing Khalil to death?" She questions.

My stomach tightens and I don't know whether to tell the truth or not. "Maybe."

"It takes guts to stab a nigga that big. Aye open this shit up!" She turns her head to the side yelling at somebody. I raise an eyebrow in confusion wiping my eyes I expect to see another inmate running towards us but to my surprise it's two officers.

"You know we can't be-" before the guard could finish her sentence the woman who was questioning me gripped the officer by the back of her head and bashed her head into the bars. The guards body drops to the floor with a thud.

"Open this shit up." She tells the other officer calmly. The other one doesn't hesitate to open it up.

Once it's open she climbs inside and I struggle to stand to my feet not knowing what to expect. "My name so Daina. I got life in here. And I only roll with murderers. I run this bitch inside and out."

I stay quiet allowing her to continue as she sits down. Taking note of how the women with her don't step inside of the cell or follow her. They just wait nearby as if waiting for permission. "Let me guess, you in here because of a man huh? The love for one?"

"It's it that obvious?" I question.

She nods. "Betrix right there is here because her man used to whoop her ass. She stayed a good ten years before she finally snapped and set his ass on fire," she motioned to a white woman with short cut hair. "Cam's older brother raped her since she was four years old," she points towards a chocolate woman with dark pink hair. "Exie caught her man cheating with her mother and killed them both and Freya's crackhead uncle sold everything she ever owned to some drug dealers. We all have a story involving a nigga." She states the woman nodding in agreement.

"What's yours?" Cam asks me.

I sigh. "Ya'll are innocent," I shake my head face palming myself. "Like yeah y'all did it but all of you went thru hell. Honestly it sounds worth going to prison for. But me? Believe it or not I went to prison," I sigh trying to find the words. "For actually loving someone. My dad....he uh...he was a good man, and some bad shit happened to him that he didn't deserve. And I fucked my life up getting revenge."

"Did you succeed? Are they livin'?" Exie questions stepping forward a few steps.

I shake my head busting out into laughter. Just like that saying laugh to stop crying. That's what I'm doing right now is laughing to hide my pain. "Yep. Very much alive." My mind immediately thinking of Kades.

"Look here crybaby," Daina moves my face with her hand so that I'm looking at her. "Loyalty? Going to jail for looking out for someone else is the worth going to prison too. I'm all about loyalty. We all about loyalty." She says looking around at everyone.

"You could roll with us. We would protect you, like a family." Freya says.

I get ready to say no but Betrix speaks up. "It's a lot of motherfuckas in here who want you did after what you did to Kades. And the rumors they making about Giovanni Chase? It's bitches in here that are waiting to kill you."

"So what you say? You want in? It won't be easy though." Daina says eyeing me. As much as I wanted to be alone in here I knew it wasn't realistic. If I learned one thing about being in the hood my whole life it's that being alone gets you killed. Especially if you've done some shit that got people looking for you. And after all the shit I done I won't last a week in here alone.

I stand up. "I want in." I say. I close my eyes waiting for the impact to come and when it did it came from four different girls at the same time. I felt punches, hard punches in every place of my body. My skin even more bruised, my nose bleeding. And even though I tried to put up a fight I know what'll happen in the end.

So I laid there for a half an hour taking blows and kicks from the notorious women. Not knowing someday I'll consider them my sisters.

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