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"Com'on you gotta open the door. Just let me in I'm trying to help." Kaylee says from the other side of my apartment door.

I look in the mirror breaking down crying hardest. Blood stains covering my wedding dress that I loved so much. The ring still on my finger like I'm one with it I can't bring myself to take it off. Mascara stained down my cheeks. "You really pregnant?" She asks me. "Did you...did you really kiss Cash?"

I hop up opening my apartment door so hard the door slams against the wall putting a mark in it. "Fuck did you just say? You serious right now?"

She's caught off guard by my voice. "I'm just saying I'm your friend and-"

"Nah you ain't my fuckin' friend," I snap at her. "Because any real friend would know damn well I wouldn't do no shit like that."

"You did in the past," she states. "Who's to say shit changed? Plus when you got in the car you ain't tell me shit about what y'all talked about."

"I swear to God Kaylee you got a few seconds to get from in front of my damn door." I step into her face.

She scoffs. "Ain't nobody scared of you Danielle. You being in the slammer don't mean shit to me."

"Bitch what you say-" I raise my hand to smack her but Naomi who was quiet the entire time hops in front of us gripping my hand she moves me back.

"Remember that shit! I'm a real ass friend fuck you Dani!" She screams at me causing other people in my apartment to open their doors.

"Yeah whatever hoe talk that shit on ya way to the elevator." I say loudly. Once she's gone I sigh leaning against my door way with the back of my head against the wall. The anger fades and tears fall down my cheeks. "I should've never went." I whisper. "I-I just thought maybe he was trying to talk it out and it'd fix shit."

Naomi nods understanding. The different between her and Kaylee is Naomi knows when to say something, what not to say, and when to mind her business.

She walks inside and I follow in after her closing my door we both take a seat on my couch. "I definitely know how you feel. Doing shit to help the one you care about and in the end? All it did was make shit worse and make them not even want to look at you or speak to you." She stares out in space from the looks of it remembering something.

I sniffle. "What'd you do?"

Naomi sighs. "J was so mad and that shit kept us away from eachother for years. More stuff kept happening and he made mistakes that led to me being mad at him. In the end he realized all he needed was me. Kades gone realize all he needs is you." She says.

"Do you know if he's...if Cash is dead?" I question remembering his body laying there not moving at all. And as much as I hate Stella the sight of the blood coming down her legs and onto the floor was a scary sight.

Naomi checks her phone then looks up at me. "Cash is in surgery and his wife lost her baby," she explains. "Nobody knows where Kades is."

I stay silent for a few minutes expecting her to like Kaylee ask if I'm really pregnant but she doesn't. I decide to bring it up. "What if I am pregnant? What if those tests are really accurate? What will happen to us?"

"It's not a promise that a pregnancy will fix what y'all have. Don't be one of those girls that believe that." She advices.

I nod. "Your kids didn't help you?"

"My kids were trouble," she laughs a sad laugh. "My baby girl L.J she uh...she wasn't biologically mine but I raised and loved her like she was. She was a lot and as much as I thought it'd push me away from Issac it's like she was meant for us." She describes.

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