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I woke up and everything was a haze.

The entire night was a blur, I hardly remembered a thing until I looked around the strangers apartment to see a plump chubby pretty girl standing in front of me in the center of the room. And at the foot of the couch I'm laying on being Cash just sitting there. Then the whole night started to play out in my head and all I can remember is the moments that led to me passing out. The drugs...

Did I really stoop this low to life to start using? To become a addict? We're my thoughts really that bad?

"Cash I-" he cut me off immediately.

"You are so lucky," he breathes out. "Lucky as fuck that when she tried to use your phone to find someone to pick you up that I called immediately. Ya phone was locked and you couldn't speak one word to let her know what the code was. Thank God I called when I did."

"I was fine." I lie. Truth is I must've been pretty messed up for Cash to be here. But I don't exactly know what all happened.

"No the fuck you wasn't Dani. I mean why would you take Crack? Why would you do that to yourself?" I can hear the confusion in his voice. And I feel so guilty watching him stare at me with somewhat worry and disappointment.

I stand up pulling my jacket closer to me. "I took it to forget about some shit and it worked. I don't get what the issue is."

"Yeah it worked so good that you were almost raped. Good thing I came in time." The girl finally speaks up.

I play it off like I don't care. "Can we go now?" I ask nonchalantly. Part of me is embarrassed to have a conversation with a stranger about how I was just sprung out. If she knew me she'd know I don't really smoke, barely even touched a drink. She'd know I'm perfectly fine and nothings wrong with me. I'm not the type of person to become an addict.

"Nah," I mug the hell out of Cash. "You going to tell her thank you."

"Man." I try to brush past him but he steps in front of me gripping my shoulder he yanks me towards her. This side of him one I've never seen before.

"I'm not about to ask you again." I look up at him taking his into appearance in. Though his waves are in tact he looks so stressed. Bags under his eyes, a random t-shirt on with some sweats that don't even match. He looks like he's been going through hell.

I look over at the girl to my surprise is staring at me with sympathy. "Thank you for helping me out last night."

She just gives me a nod. Cash being okay with that takes my hand in his and drags me out of the woman's apartment.

As soon as we are inside the car I begin. "Can you take me-" he cuts me off punching his steering wheel causing me to jump. "Cash I-"

"How could you do something so stupid?!" He raises his voice at me. This was the first time I've ever seen him genuinely upset. "You know what. I'm not even going to do this with you." He mumbles the second part starting his car up he gets us out of the parking lot.

Driving full speed not caring about the thought of getting pulled over. "Cash I don't....I don't." I kept cutting myself off not really knowing what to say.

The entire ride is silent and I can tell we're going in a completely different destination from mine or his house. I didn't panic or ask him though because I know he'd never put me in harms way.

I'm confused when I see we're pulled up at a tall apartment complex in a good neighborhood. "Where are we?" I ask lowly.

He runs a hand down his face sighing. "That day before you got mad at me I pulled some strings. Used the money I been saving up to a buy a apartment. That way you would have a place to stay. Mari told me what was happening to you, we got into it and whole about it."

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