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"Hey," I call out raising my hands in defense. "You asked me what's wrong with the girl and I'm telling you. I'm not out to be with that sixteen year old girl. I feel sorry for her real shit. Hell I feel sorry that my kid is even in love with a girl like that, I only spend time with her to get her away from him. Hopefully he moves on before she adds him into her drama."

"You don't mean anything you said," Turi shakes his head. "You've been killing since you were a youngin. You've killed children, babies, PREGNANT WOMEN, you really telling me you only spend time with this girl cause you fee sorry for her?"

"That's exactly what I'm-"

"No it's because you like her. Your just fucked up, but let me tell you man. Nothing is worse than being fucked up and alone. Maybe you'd be less fucked up if you let people in more."

"I don't like her. Okay? Did you listen to my speech?" I asked growing frustrated.

"You know what I heard in that bitch ass speech, jealousy. Jealousy towards your own son, I also heard how much you care for her. You care for her enough that it hurts you that nobody else does. You care for her to the point that your protecting her from things you think would hurt her. Her family." Sebi nodded in agreement.

"I'm not listening to this, your just drunk." I stand up from the table. As I was about to walk away Sebi grabbed my arm pulling me back down.

"Why are you lying to us K? Huh? We're family, you don't ever have to lie to us." I could hear the concern in her tone. They both stared at me.

Their right. They are my family, I've known them since I was in the game. They protected me when I had nobody, same with Onya. Only difference was I didn't owe them. With them I could tell them how I feel and they'd never think I was weak. I could let my guard down. They are my family.

"Sis you just don't understand. Who could ever love somebody like me? How could she ever..." My voice got low and I looked away.

"Everybody deserves love, even you."

I woke up in my bed trying to remember everything that happened last night. My mind blurred and all I can remember is getting drunk last night..Turi and Sebi we're here..Dani got a little drunk..I put her upstairs..then I had a talk with Turi and Sebi about her.

I sat up rubbing my eyes. I searched around for any sign of Dani, her clothes were no where to be found. My bathroom was completely spotless. I heard people talking downstairs and soon I would find out it's Sebi and Dani.

I climbed downstairs scratching my neck as I stared at a fully dressed Danielle. "D where you goin'?" I asked staring at her in confusion.

Everything seemed different about her, the entire vibe seemed off. I knew it wasn't a typical hangover. Her eyes were swollen, her brown skinned face was red, her hair was placed in a sloppy bun and her shoulders slumped. She looks like she's been crying all night.

"I'm gonna head home, can't have my mom worried about me." Her voice was low, emotionless..almost heartbreaking to hear. Her normal cherry happy bubbly cute voice was gone.

"But it's," I checked my Rolex seeing that it's around 7 in the morning. "Early as hell and ain't it raining outside?" I asked going over towards the window by my front door. It was pouring.

"It's not that bad." She kept it short. And for some reason she was being so dry with me I almost wondered if I did something wrong. Was she upset about me yelling at her last night? Maybe after she's drank all it did was make her think more of her dad.

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