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All of these books are copyrighted, owned, & created by ME. So just because they have no been released or published yet does not mean they are not mine. I'd just like to get you guys opinions, I've began writing and working on these books but only have the energy to finish and publish just one. Please read the descriptions of these NEW books and tell me which ones you'd like me to publish.

Paris: A Playboy Bunny Tale

Eighteen year old Paris Dayton family has a history of PlayBoy beauties and pageant winning women

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Eighteen year old Paris Dayton family has a history of PlayBoy beauties and pageant winning women. Her entire life she's been told she has to be society's standard of beautiful. And if she's not beautiful then she is worthless.

When Paris has the once in a lifetime opportunity to become a Playboy Model and live in the mansion along side them she's soon rejected. Just when she's about to run away rather than face the disappointment of her family she witnesses the death of someone right inside that same mansion.

Juno Quintin other known as Q is very inexperienced and shy when it comes to women. Not having many relationships growing up he is now a college graduate and somewhat a "pussy" as his family feels. He'd rather have gone to college and get his business degree rather than take his thrown at the head of one of the most feared Mobs in the world.

Q's father won't stop at nothing to convince his son to follow his families destiny.

Even if that means snatching some poor girl away from the Playboy Mansion and making a deal with her.

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Seducing Deimos

Deimos & Athena Heron have been married for three years, a marriage that consists of lavish gifts, looking perfect in the eyes of other, and held at the highest of respect because of Deimos high rank in the lawyer field

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Deimos & Athena Heron have been married for three years, a marriage that consists of lavish gifts, looking perfect in the eyes of other, and held at the highest of respect because of Deimos high rank in the lawyer field. But after years their relationship has took a slight turned filled with arguments and Athena having deeply rooted trust issues and abusive tendencies.

To apologize to her husband for her hard to deal with ways she offers him the once in a lifetime opportunity to have a threesome with him as long as she can choose.

THUG WATERS (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now