Cut and Crush Ceremony-1

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Early morning in the house

Everyone has been gathered in the Living room talking like civilians for an hour at least for the first time ever. That was until...

Amy: I find it weird how you act now
Augustine: What do you mean?
Amy: You know what I'm talking about. Your childish ways of getting what you want
Augustine: You've gotten it wrong but I'm not surprised. Follow the sluts
Amy: Excuse me?

VC- Amy- I'm here trying to have a normal and casual conversation and this boy wants me to run up on him.

Augustine: You're saying I behave childish
Amy: Because that's the truth
Augustine: And the truth is that you're a slut
Amanda: I agree
Amy: Amanda, If Stupidity was painful you'd be in agony right now
Miracle: Oof
Amanda: Well-
Amy: This doesn't concern you
Augustine: And you say I'm childish?
Amy: What childish thing am I doing? You're fucked up. You started from the bottom and it's been downhill ever since
Som*t: Amy calm
Amy: No one should even tell me that Bullshit. You people won't see Augustine when he's talking shit it's only me.
Clinton: Singles lets go outside and talk
Augustine: Try not to allow anyone near your box

Amy went crazy. Amy jumped couches to get to Augustine but Som*t and Miracle were holding her

Olive: Augustine just go to your room
Amy: Guy Guy Guy, Just go and pack. Just go and pack because you're a goner. You're leaving this night
Augustine: Shut the fuck up

Amy tried to get loose but it didn't work. And they just went outside

Amy: There's nothing and I mean nothing to discuss. Augustine must leave this night. There are no two ways about it
Onyii: I get Augustine is a dick but Olive being here in hindering progress between-
Clinton: Shut up there. There's no progress. You both are useless together. Olive has been on her own since. Augustine has looked for everyone's trouble. We are cutting Augustine
Anderson: Well I'm cutting Olive
Amanda: I cut who I want. Augustine is keeping me company... Tara should go
Som*t: Or that her dumbass boyfriend
Amy: Where there's Divison... I don't know the rest but Augustine is going home tonight and that's final

GC- Amy and Clinton

Amy- Augustine can't be in this house for another night. I don't know how we'll gather votes but we have to

Clinton- Imagine Someone crushes him

Amy- Nothing like that. There will be a serious problem in this house

Clinton- No cap guy

GC- Over

They all went back inside continuing their normal day routines. Miracle was sitting on the table in the kitchen when Nnadi came up to him

Nnadi: Hey
Miracle: What's up?
Nnadi: I'm sorry
Miracle: For?
Nnadi: The way I acted after the shack of Secrets
Miracle: It's cool. I'm over it
Nnadi: Are you over me?
Miracle: Why are you asking me this?
Nnadi: Because I still like you. You and Amy are only working out because she doesn't have an ex in the house. You don't know the exes that will come for her
Miracle: But it's worth a shot. You always have to try... and I know everyone deserves second chances. But I've given you 7.
Nnadi: Miracle-
Miracle: What are you so afraid about? Amy and I aren't even a thing yet
Nnadi: Yet. Keyword
Miracle: Nnadi. Relax... if it's meant to be, it'll be. No matter who I'm with or the time it happens
Nnadi: Fine... are you cutting me tonight?
Miracle: My vote is a secret

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